
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

This research aimed to investigate the differences of motivation, participation in recreational activities, self-esteem and body composition under different backgrounds(age, place of birth, participation in recreational activities), and their relationships of the female students of University of Macau. The research was divided into two parts - Part 1 was a survey through questionnaires and Part 2 was body composition analysis (Tanita MC 180MA). This research randomly drew 400 female students according to their student numbers from University of Macau. 242 of them were successfully contacted, and they completely filled in the questionnaires, and were evaluated body composition. The result showed: 1) the scores of motivation of participating in recreational activities and self-esteem in freshmen were similar to the elder students; year 1 freshmen students had a higher level of fat percentage and heavier weight than non-year 1 students.The health fitness score of non Macaulocal students was higher than that of Macau-local students, however, non Macau-local students had a higher score in self-liking and self-competence of self-esteem. Non Macau-local students had a trend in more muscle mass than that of Macau-local students. 2) Apart from 3 of the dimensions of motivation in participating in recreational activities (health fitness, suggestion and encouragement, social needs), students, who participated in recreational activities, had a higher score in the overall score and the scores of other 4 dimensions including relaxation, needs for achievement, psychological needs and pursuit of excellence than those who did not participate in recreational activities. Students who participated in recreational activities had more muscle mass than those of no recreational activities. Comparing students exercised at medium to high physical activities with those at a low level physical activity, the former, - had higher scores in the overall score and in the 4 dimensions of motivation in iv participating in recreational activities(relaxation, needs for achievement, psychological needs and pursuit of excellence); - had a trend of higher score in social needs; -had no significant difference in self-liking and self-competence of self-esteem; - had more muscle mass; 3) The motivation in participating in recreational activities of female students in University of Macau had - a low positive correlation to the amount of recreational activities. - a low positive correlation to the scores of self-liking and self-competence - a low positive correlation to muscle mass. The amount of exercise in recreational activities positively correlated to the muscle mass at a low-level while self-esteem (self-liking and self-competence) had no correlation to motivation in participating in recreational activities, amount of exercise in recreational activities and body composition. The result suggested that the proportion of participation in recreational activities of female students of University of Macau was not high. Improving the motivation of participating in recreational activities may promote to participate in recreational activities for the female students in University of Macau. Medium to high amount of exercise in recreational activities can improve the body composition of female students, yet, participation in recreational activities had no significant influence on the self-esteem of female students. Key Terms: Macau, female collegiate students, recreational activities, participation status, motivation, self-esteem, body composition

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在探討不同背景因素下(年齡、生源、休閒運動參與狀況) 的澳門女大學 生運動動機、參與度、自尊與身體組成的差異以及它們之間的相關情形。研究分爲兩個部 分,第一部份為問卷調查,而第二部份則為身體電阻法(BIA,Tanita MC 180MA) 身體 組成測試。本研究以隨機抽樣方式抽取 400 名澳門大學在學女生,成功聯絡並完成問卷和 身體組成測試的有 242 名。結果發現:(一)、大學新生與老生休閒運動參與動機和自尊特 徵相似;大一新生較非大一學生之脂肪百分比和脂肪重較高;非澳門學生休閒運動參與動 機之健康適能得分明顯高於澳門學生;非澳門學生自尊之自我喜愛感和自我能力感得分比 澳門本地學生高;非本地生肌肉重量有比本地學生高的趨勢。(二)、除健康適能、建議與 鼓勵、社會需求三個向度外,有參與休閒運動者的休閒運動參與動機之放鬆心情、成就需 求、心理需求、追求卓越及總體得分,均明顯高於無參與休閒運動者;有無參與休閒運動 者自尊之自我喜愛感和自我能力感,均未達到顯著水平。但是,參與休閒運動者比沒有參 與者之肌肉更多;中大運動量者,其休閒運動參與動機之放鬆心情、成就需求、心理需求、 追求卓越及總體得分,均明顯高於小運動量者;社會需求有高於小運動量者的趨勢;與小 運動量學生相比較,中大運動量學生的自尊之自我喜愛感和自我能力感均沒有差別,中大 運動量學生與小運動量學生比較,中大運動量者肌肉重量較高。(三)、澳門女女大學生休 閒運動參與動機與休閒運動量呈低度正相關,與自我喜愛感和自我能力感均為低度正相關, 與身體成分之肌肉重量低度正相關;休閒運動量只與肌肉重量呈低度正相關;自尊(自我 喜愛感和自我能力感) 與休閒運動參與動機、休閒運動量、身體成分均無關。研究結果 說明澳門女大學生休閒運動參與的比例不高,提升休閒運動的動機有利於女大學生積極參 與休閒運動,一定量的休閒運動可改善身體成分;但是休閒運動對女大學生的自尊影響不 大。 關鍵詞:澳門、女大學生、休閒運動、參與度、動機、自尊、身體組成

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Faculty of Education




Physical education and training.


Sports -- Psychological aspects

體育 -- 心理方面



College students -- Macau

大專學生 -- 澳門



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