
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

Objective The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 4-week hypoxia and nomoxia physical exercise with diet control on body weight and body composition in overweight young subjects. Methods 24 young subjects (12 males and 12 females) whose body fatness over than 25% were recruited publicly, and then were divided into hypoxic (HYP) or normoxic (NOR) group randomly and equally. All subjects lived in the Scientific Research Centre of Beijing Sport University and each subject was offered an individual diet arrangement on the basis of basic metabolism rate measured by a fat analyzer (Inbody 3.0) weekly. Six or seven days’ physical exercise training by 65% - 80% of maximal heart rate was assigned to the both groups. 9-hour hypoxic living per day (simulate altitude of 2200 m to 3300 m) and physical exercise under normoxia for 4 to 5 days and 3-hour hypoxia physical exercise in 2 days a week were given for HYP subjects. The conditions of the normoxic group were fully consistent with hypoxic group except for living and physical exercise under normoxia environment. Two instructors and two investigators supervised the exercise scheme of aerobics, cycling, running, walking and strength training. During the intervention period, a female in NOR group dropped out. Body weight and composition were investigated with the BOD POD Body Composition Tracking System before the experiment and every weekend of the 4 weeks. Results Using General Linear Model with repeat measure, it was found that, after the intervention of 4-week hypoxia or normoxia physical exercise, body weight, body mass index (BMI), fat mass and the percentage of body fat (PBF) were significantly V reduced in the obese subjects (p < .05) while fat-free mass had no significantly changes (p > .05). Hypoxia physical exercise didn’t cause additional effects on the reductions of body weight, BMI, fat mass, fat-free mass, and PBF. Conclusion Both 4-week’s hypoxia and nomoxia physical exercise with diet control can reduce body weight, BMI, weight of fat and fat%, but had no affect on fat-free mass. Hypoxia physical exercise had no additional effect to reduce body weight and body composition. The results suggest that moderate-intensity physical exercise with diet control can reduce body weight and fat well, and the effect of fat loss by hypoxia physical exercise needs to be further studied.

Chinese Abstract

研究目的 本研究目的在於通過超重者在4週低氧環境居住、常氧環境下鍛煉的方 式,並輔助以能量攝入控制,探討在低氧環境下運動對超重者體重、身體成分的 影響,以對身體超重者控制體重提供理論依據和實證參考。 研究方法 召集身體質量指數(BMI)超過25kg/m2的志願者24人(12名男性,12 名女性),其中學生20人,非學生4人,隨機分為低氧鍛煉組與常氧對照組,每組 男女受試者各6名。受試者統一居住在北京體育大學科學研究中心低氧實驗房 (室),每週根據個體的基礎能量代謝進行配餐。 低氧鍛煉組進行每日9小時、為期4週的低氧環境的暴露(相當於海拔2200 m – 3300 m) 及每週6 - 7天的運動鍛煉,低氧鍛煉組的運動鍛煉包括每週2天、每天1.5 小時的低氧環境下的鍛煉,及4 - 5天的常氧環境下的鍛煉;常氧組除居住在常氧環 境及每週6 - 7天均為常氧鍛煉外,其他條件與低氧組完全一致。運動鍛煉方式為包 括運動強度為個體65 - 80%之最大心率的健美操、功率自行車運動、跑步機運動以 及力量訓練等。在實驗過程中,常氧組有一位女性受試者因生病而退出。 鍛煉開始前,使用BOD POD體成分測試儀對受試者體重和身體成分資料進行 測量,此後4週,每週末使用BOD POD體成分測試儀對受試者體重和身體成分資料 進行測量。 研究結果 一般線性模型之重複樣本的方差分析結果顯示:實驗後,兩組受試者 的體重、BMI指數、脂肪重和脂肪百分比變化的皆有顯著性降低(p < .05),瘦體重 變化不明顯(p > .05);低氧鍛煉未造成體重、BMI指數、瘦體重、脂肪重和脂肪百 分比減少的額外效應(p < .05)。 結論 輔助以節制飲食的為期4週低氧運動鍛煉及常氧運動鍛煉,均能降低體重、 BMI指數、脂肪重和脂肪百分比,對瘦體重無影響;低氧鍛煉無額外的減重、減脂 的效應。結果提示輔助以節制飲食的中等強度的運動鍛煉減肥效果良好,低氧環 III 境對於減肥效果尚需要進一步確定。 關鍵字:低氧鍛煉,常氧鍛煉,節制飲食,身體成分,超重

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Faculty of Education




Physical education and training


Exercise -- Health aspects

體育鍛鍊 -- 健康方面

Exercise -- Physiological aspects

體育鍛鍊 -- 生理方面

Physical fitness -- Nutritional aspects

體能 -- 營養方面



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