UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
論我國公司股東信息權的行使與保護 : 以股東知情權為中心
- English Abstract
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Because of the separation of ownership from operation right in modern companies, most shareholders especially minority shareholders are not directly involve in the corporate operation and management, which leads to information asymmetry between shareholders and company executives, their legitimate rights and interests are likely to be infringed by the management . Therefore, shareholders' right to know is extremely important for shareholders especially minority shareholders. This right is not only an important means for shareholders to supervise the operation and management, but also lays foundations for shareholders’ exercise of other core rights including the right to vote, etc. As a consequence, now shareholders’ right to know is respectively regulated in company legislation of leading countries all over the world. At present, the development of company laws in our country is still in its beginning stage. Although amendment of company law in 2005 improves information of shareholders’ right to know, its regulation is still too vague and lacking operability. Besides, it is challenging for shareholders to exercise their rights and the legislation need be further perfection. Based on the conditions of our nation, this article analyzes the concept and properties of right to know in our country, demonstrates shareholders' inspection right and inquiry right under systems of shareholders' right to know in our country, as well as judicial relief systems of shareholders' right to know, and finally, it brings forward specific legislating suggestions to enhance shareholders' right to know in our country and practically protect legitimate rights and interests of shareholders in our country by referring to advanced design experience of shareholders’ right to know in foreign countries and incorporating our national conditions.
- Chinese Abstract
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由于现代公司所有权与经营权的分离,多数股东尤其是中小股东不直接参与 公司的经营管理,造成了股东与公司管理层之间信息不对称的现象,其合法权益 很可能会受到公司管理层的侵害,因此股东知情权是股东尤其是中小股东一项尤 为重要的权利。它不仅是股东监督公司经营管理的重要手段,也为股东行使其他 核心权利包括表决权等奠定基础。因此,目前世界各主要国家公司立法中均分别 规定了股东知情权。 我国公司法的发展目前尚处起步阶段,虽然 2005 年的公司法修订对股东知 情权的相关加以完善,但规定仍然过于模糊,操作性不强,不利于股东权利的行 使与保护,需要进一步的立法完善。本文立足于本国国情,首先分析了我国股东 知情权的概念与性质,其次详细阐述我国股东知情权权利体系下的查阅权和质询 权,以及股东知情权的司法救济制度,最后借鉴国外先进的股东知情权制度设计 经验并结合本国的情况,提出具体的立法建议以完善我国股东知情权,切实保护 我国股东的正当权益。 关键词:股东知情权 股东查阅权 股东质询权 司法救济
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Law
- Degree
- Subject
Stockholders -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- China
股東 -- 法律地位, 法規, 等 -- 中國
Corporate governance -- China
公司管理 -- 中國
Corporations -- China -- Management
公司 -- 中國 -- 管理
Stock ownership -- China
股份擁有權 -- 中國
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991008771369706306