
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

Blood is an important biological resource, and blood transfusion is one significant mean. In today’s situation that there is no substitute of the blood, blood for clinical use can only come from healthy volunteers. Due to the current clinical blood mainly from voluntary blood donation, the distribution of voluntary blood donors and healthy status of them, which decide the risky size of the infection of HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis and other infectious diseases from blood transfusion, directly attach importance to the health of blood user. That is why rigorous screening blood donors is the source of infectious disease prevention and is the most fundamental guarantee blood safety. Therefore, the correct analysis of the population structure and their healthy situation of voluntary blood donors and the exploration of the influencing factors are necessary to providing the scientific basis for blood development and the application of new technology. This paper describes the use of statistical analysis and multiple regression statistical method to study the population structure of voluntary blood donors, blood donation behavior, the distribution of unqualified blood donors and influencing factors, taken in April 2005-2010 of a western city. The results showed that the female voluntary blood donors are slightly more than men. The young people from 18 to 30 are main voluntary blood donors. And 18 to 25 years old group increase every year in blood donation. In the occupational distribution, students are mainly voluntary blood donors accounted for 39.35%. The main donors are people of high school education or higher level, and with the increase of blood donors in the educational level, the proportion of blood donors are on the rising trend. The blood volume of a blood donation-based is mainly more than 200 ml. The proportion of male blood donors in a blood donation-based is much higher than the proportion of women in the volume of 400ml.The proportion of people less than 30 years old offering 400 ml blood is lower than other age groups. Workers, farmers, civil servants, business people and ‘other’ are in a higher proportion in the volume of 400 ml. But students are lowest. In addition to college and above education level people, other education levels’ people offered the volume of 200 ml blood increases with the rise of educational level. However, the proportion of blood donors decreases in the volume of 400 ml. Blood test failure rate of voluntary blood donors is 4.52%.The composition of ALT in the five test items are the highest failure rate, which is the main reason for unqualified blood test results. The failure rate of male and female significantly different, and the failure rate of male is higher than women. There are significant difference in different age of donors and the same as in the occupational distribution. But the unqualified rate of farmers is highest. The unqualified rates in different educational levels different significantly. With the increase of educational level, the qualified rate rises. Gender, age, education, occupation all have impacts in the unqualified rate of voluntary blood donation, in which gender has greatest impact on the blood test results, followed by educational level. Compared to the previous two factors, age affects less in the blood test. And occupation has least impact in the blood test. Key words: voluntary blood donation, transfusion, population structure, health situation, blood test

Chinese Abstract

血液是重要的生物资源,而输血是现代医学中治病救人的重要手段之一。在 当今世界还不能制造出替代血液的情况下,临床用血只能来自健康人体。由于目 前临床用血主要来自无偿献血,所以无偿献血者的人群分布和健康状况直接对用 血者的健康产生重要影响,并决定用血者经输血途径感染艾滋、梅毒、乙肝、甲 肝等重大传染病的风险大小,严格筛选献血者是从源头上预防和控制输血传染 病,是血液安全的最根本保证。因此,对无偿献血者的人群结构和健康状况进行 正确的分析,探讨其影响因素,为输血事业发展、新科技的应用提供科学依据, 十分必要。 本文运用描述性统计分析方法和多元回归统计方法对抽取的西部某市 2005-2010 年 4 月无偿献血者的人群结构分布、献血行为、血液检测不合格分布 情况及其影响因素进行分析。 研究结果发现,无偿献血者中女性献血者略多于男性;年龄分布以 18~30 岁 年轻人为主,且每年 18~25 岁年龄组人群比例在不断上升;在职业分布上,学生 在无偿献血人群中占 39.35%,为主要献血人群;无偿献血人群以高中以上文化 程度为主,且呈现出随着献血者的文化程度的升高,无偿献血者的比例不断上升 的趋势;该市无偿献血者一次献血的献血以大于 200ml 为主,男性献血者一次献 血 400ml 的比例远远高于女性,小于 30 岁人群献 400ml 比例较其他年龄组比例 低,工人、农民、公务员、商务人员、“其他”的献血者献 400ml 的比例较高, 而学生献 400ml 的比例最低,除大学及其以上学历外,其他学历献血者随着文化 程度升高献 200ml 比例越高,但随着文化程度的升高献 400ml 比例却越低;该市 无偿献血者血液检测不合格率为 4.52%,5 项检测项目中,ALT 不合格率和构成 比最高,是血液检测结果不合格的主要原因, 男性与女性无偿献血者血液检测不合格情况有显著性差异,男性不合格率高于女性, 不同年龄组血液检测不合格率 有显著性差异, 不同职业无偿献血者血液检测不合格率有显著差异,农民不合格 率最高,不同文化程度无偿献血者血液检测不合格情况有显著性差异,且随着文 化程度的升高不合格率逐渐降低;性别、年龄、学历、职业 4 个因素中对无偿献 血者的血液检测结果都有影响,其中性别对血液检测结果影响最大;其次是年龄 对血液检测结果影响较大;文化程度相较于前两个因素对献血者血液检测不合格 的影响较小;职业对献血者血液检测不合格率影响最小。 关键词:无偿献血、输血、人群结构、健康状况、血液检测

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Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences




Blood donors -- China

捐血者 -- 中國

Blood -- Transfusion

血液 -- 輸血



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