
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

There are two types of customers at the community pharmacy in Macau, the local residents and tourists. Customers have the demands when choosing the community pharmacy, and the community pharmacy has different methods regarding business and management on the basis of the diversity of demands of the local residents and tourists. Because of increase of demand for services of the pharmacy market, “Three hundred meters” ordinance was canceled by The Health Bureau, in 2008. After that, the numbers of pharmacies gradually increased. The competition was also very fierce, which caused the serious problems such as profits reduction, to increase the malignant competition, the difficulty of the internal management and the cost of operating. This is major reason why to cause the serious problems that the pharmacies have the different of the business and management behavior in Macau. What are the factors to influence the business and management of the pharmacies caused by the serious problems. The thesis is analyzed the question. The research reviews the two ways, Customers have the demands when choosing the community pharmacy and the reflection of the Customer demands when the community pharmacy is taking the measures. Based on the theories , there are two main factors, environmental characteristic(location, timing effect), internal characteristic(products, level of the prices, the quality of service, the internal management of the pharmacy). In this study , the features of industrial structure with the pharmacies in Macau are analyzed, beside confirm the two main factors, including customer types, the ownership and history of pharmacy, the ability of applying with the wholesalers and the policies of The Health Bureau. Then case study as methodology is used in this research, finding the most representative of pharmacies through the influence of customers, product positioning, business location, internal management and the policies to summarize the influence factors. The factors are verified by the survey study. The results show that location, the level of the prices, the quality of service, the ownership , the history of pharmacy and the level of products are the factors for demand with the local residents and tourists. Pharmacies are agree to improve the measures including business strategics ,the quality of service and internal management to satisfy the customer demands. Another, the level of prices are limited by the ability of wholesalers and the ownerships of pharmacy, the variation of customer is influenced by timing effect, as well as the policies of The Health Bureau, overall, the influence factors caused by the serious problems to affect the development of pharmacies. Finally, policy recommendation is proposed with the operators of pharmacy, customers and the Health Bureau, respectively. Through improving the styles of business and management to reduce the serious problems, raising the Health Care System Status of the pharmacies in Macau, to promote the development of industry. Keyword: Pharmacies, Business and Management, Development of Industry

Chinese Abstract

本澳社區藥房的客戶類型有本澳居民和遊客兩類。客戶對社區藥房有一定的 選擇需求,社區藥房也因應本澳居民和遊客不同的需求差異,有不同的經營和管 理方式。在 2008 年,衛生局根據市場上對藥房服務需求日益增加,取消了三百 米的條例。其後社區藥房數量逐漸增加,競爭情況也相當劇烈,導致社區藥房利 潤下降、惡意競爭加大、內部管理難度增加和經營成本增加等諸多問題出現。而 本澳社區藥房的經營和管理的不同,是產生這些問題的根本原因。為此,哪些因 素影響本澳社區藥房的經營和管理,從而導致了這些問題的產生?本文對這些問 題進行考察和分析。 本研究闡述了客戶對社區藥房的需求和社區藥房采取的措施對客戶需求的 反映兩個方面,并回顧了理論的基礎,根據文獻回顧,探討了社區藥房的經營和 管理的影響因素包括兩部分,一為環境因素(地理位置、時間效應);二為內部因 素(產品品種的完整性、產品價格水平、藥房的服務質量水平、藥房的庫存量和 人員內部管理問題)。 本研究對澳門社區藥房的產業結構狀況進行分析,并證實了除社區藥房的經 營和管理的影響因素兩部分外,由於本澳社區藥房的產業結構特點,影響因素還 包括客戶類型、藥房所有權和歷史、藥物供應商的供應能力和衛生局提出的政策 措施。之後我們用案例研究方法,找出最具代表性的社區藥房,根據客戶影響、 產品定位、經營定位、內部管理和政府政策五個方面分析影響本澳社區藥房的經 營和管理因素。然後用調查研究方法,對影響本澳社區藥房的經營和管理因素作 進一步驗證。其結果顯示地理位置、價格水平、服務態度、藥房的歷史性和產品 品種齊全程度都是本澳居民和遊客對社區藥房的需求。社區藥房都同意改進經營 措施、服務質量和內部管理,從而滿足客戶需求。另外,供應商能力和藥房所有 權對產品價格存在限制,時間性效應影響客戶的變動,以及政府政策,總體上這些因素影響社區藥房的經營和管理,導致問題出現的嚴重性增加。 最後,本文將研究結果分別對經營者、客戶和政府三方面提出適當的建議, 改善其經營和管理方式,減少問題的出現,提升本澳社區藥房在醫療衛生體系中 的地位,促進社區藥房產業發展。 關鍵詞:社區藥房;經營和管理;產業發展

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Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences




Pharmacy management -- Macau

藥劑管理 -- 澳門

Drugstores -- Macau -- Management

藥店 -- 澳門 -- 管理



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