
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

As the leading force to improve the development of biotechnology industry, biopharmaceutical has become the most active and fastest growing field. With a focus on biopharmaceutical, China owns different evaluations from its diverged communities during the whole development process, among which some believe that it is well-developed, while others hold an opposite attitude. So far, there is no definite conclusion on this topic. It will directly affect the industry planning if there is not a clear understanding in China's current biopharmaceutical industry, moreover, it will have a huge impact on the further development of the industry. This study aims to analyze China’s biopharmaceutical section by using the innovation system of different departments, in order to understand the real situation of its development. The innovation system of different departments’ analysis can lead us to reach a full recognition of sectional operation, dynamic evolution and transformation, meanwhile, it can correctly find out the key factors which affect the performance and competitiveness on the level of businesses or governments, and then it will provide recommendations for new industrial policy. In this study, three innovation system frameworks of different departments (knowledge basement, organizations and networks and policies) are settled to analyze China’s biopharmaceutical section in three levels (the products, the businesses and the government). Case study approach is used to analyze current status of China’s biopharmaceutical section as whole, selecting five pharmaceutical companies as the cases. This study also compares several chemical pharmaceutical companies with the biopharmaceutical ones for further discussion. It is found in this study that China's biopharmaceutical section is not optimistic, and the current structure needs to improve as soon as possible. According to the current situation, there are three conclusions are drawn as follows: Firstly, in China, bio-pharmaceuticals industry was developed by the knowledge of genomics, but the knowledge base failed to provide effective driving force for industrial innovation. Secondly, there is a lack of contact among different enterprises, while relations among enterprises and universities usually build on transferring of technology. Thirdly, the Chinese Government's made a great effort to develop bio-pharmaceutical industry by drawing up relevant policies, but the support from policy is not strong enough to establish a well-developed environment for enterprises. In conclusion, it is found that China has formed a departmental innovation system with Chinese universities and research institutions as core members, which is not conducive to industrial development and improvement of the industry's international competitiveness. This study also provides three recommendations for the development of China’s biopharmaceutical companies as follows: Firstly, to encourage inter-organizational activities, the government can establish industrial parks. Secondly, to support the enterprise market, enhance market acceptance of biological medicines and the government procurement plan should be purchased. Finally, the Government's policy in supporting enterprises should be strengthened, and to make them truly feel the benefits, while the central government and local governments should also support and complement mutually.

Chinese Abstract

生物制药作为生物技术产业发展的主导力量,已成为当今最活跃和发展最迅 速的领域。中国将生物制药产业作为重点发展领域,在发展过程中,社会各界对 其的评价各异,有的认为发展良好,有的则持相反的态度。因此对于产业的发展 现状没有一个定论。如果对产业的现状认识不清,会直接误导产业规划的制定, 进而对产业的未来发展产生巨大的影响。因此十分有必要认清对中国生物制药产 业的发展现状。本研究通过部门创新理论去分析中国生物制药产业,去了解其发 展的真实现状。运用部门创新理论进行分析,能够对产业的运作、动态演进和转 型有充分的认识,同时准确把握影响该产业中企业层面或者国家层面绩效和竞争 力的关键因素,最终可以为新的产业政策提供建议。 本研究从部门创新系统的三个框架:知识基础、组织和网络、政策,从产品、 企业和政府三个层面去分析中国的生物制药产业。采用案例研究的方法,选取了 5 家中国医药企业分析整个中国的生物制药企业现状。同时还研究了部分中国化 学制药企业,与生物制药企业进行了对比性讨论。 本研究发现中国的生物制药产业发展状况不容乐观,急需改善目前的产业结 构。根据中国生物制药产业目前的发展现状得出了三个结论:第一,中国发展了 以基因组学为知识基础的生物制药产业,但知识基础没有能够为产业创新提供有 效动力;第二,企业与企业之间缺乏联系,而企业与高校和研究机构之间则更多 通过技术转让而产生联系;第三,政府努力发展生物制药产业,制定了相关政策, 但是政策对企业的扶持力度不够,偏重于对高校和研究机构的支持。总结这三点, 发现中国形成了以高校和科研机构为核心的部门创新系统,这样的部门创新系统 不利于产业的发展和培养整个产业的国际竞争力。 最后本研究也为中国生物制药产业的发展给出了三点建议:首先,建立工业 园区,促进组织间的交流。其次,给企业市场的支持,增强市场对生物药品的认 同度,出台采购计划。最后,政府的政策应加强对企业的支持,让企业切实感受 到优惠。同时中央政府和地方政府之间的政府应该相互支持和相互弥补。 关键词: 部门创新系统;中国生物制药产业;知识基础;政策

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Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences




Pharmaceutical biotechnology industry -- China

藥劑生物科技業 -- 中國

Biotechnology industries -- China

生物科技業 -- 中國



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