
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

Typically, a complete pharmaceutical industry chain includes: research and development, manufacture, distribution and exchange of medical products, and medical services and consumption of medical products. Each chain in the pharmaceutical industry is very important. They are all interdependent and inseparable. The drug wholesalers, as the middleman, play an important role in the distribution process of the pharmaceutical products. However, there are only a few drug manufacturers in Macau because of the geographical limitation. And the medical service and drug demand are huge in Macau due to the sufficient welfare by the government. Because of these, the drug wholesalers in Macau play a more important role in the pharmaceutical industry chain. Since I worked as a sales representative in the drug wholesaler, I could hear some complains from our customers about the service we provided, such as lack of drug supply etc. Whilst there are strong drug demand and dependence on drug wholesalers in the pharmaceutical market of Macau, and also dissatisfaction and opinions about their service at the same time. The assessment and improvement of the existing management of drug wholesalers is necessary. The theory of industrial organization indicated that market structure does have a direct influence on the behavior in the market. The behavior also affects the service quality directly. This research, at the beginning, explored the pharmaceutical market structure in Macau. And then we analyzed the behavior of drug wholesalers. Afterwards, through the interview and survey with the demand-side, we identified the internal and external management issues of drug wholesalers. Finally, we got feedback from the drug wholesalers. From this research, firstly, we found that the market structure of drug wholesalers in Macau was concentrated and monopoly. Whilst the demand side, the market share of hospitals and private pharmacies were the major part in the pharmaceutical market, especially the market share of Health Bureau. Secondly, this market structure has led the drug wholesalers’ market behavior on drug pricing, visiting and academic promotion biased in favor of Health Bureau. Thirdly, from the results of the survey and interview, we found that different types of demand side had different views and requirement on the role and service provided by drug wholesalers, which were also coincided with market behavior of the drug wholesalers. In the terms of service quality, the most concern of the overall demand side was about the drugs supply and it is also the service they would like the wholesalers improved most. Lastly, the drug wholesalers came up with what they can and cannot improve in the internal and external management, and also the existing difficulties they were facing in the improvement process. It provided a reference for the management of the drug wholesalers in Macau. It also inspired the deeper study for the further management and development of the drug wholesalers in Macau, so as to have further improvement on the service they provided. Keyword: drug wholesaler, market structure, market behavior, service management

Chinese Abstract

通常,一個完整的醫藥產業鏈包括:醫藥產品研究與開發(R&D)、醫藥產品 生產(或製造)、醫藥產品流通與交換,以及醫藥服務與醫藥產品消費。醫藥產業 鏈中每個鏈節都很重要,它們之間存在著相互依存,密不可分的關係。而藥品批 發商作為中間商,是醫藥產品流通過程中的重要角色,在醫藥市場上發揮了調節 供求矛盾和承擔市場風險的主要作用。但本澳由於地域的限制,生產西藥的供體 很少,另一方面,由於醫療福利的完善,本澳在醫療和用藥需求方面都是很大的。 正正由於供體少,需求大,本澳藥品批發商在醫藥產業鏈中的角色也就更重要了。 鑒於本人從事藥品批發商的推廣工作,日常會面對很多客戶如社區藥房藥劑 師、醫院藥房藥劑師、醫院醫生和診所醫生等。部分客戶對我們的工作和所提供 的服務不時會有一些不滿和意見。既然本澳整個醫藥市場對藥品批發商所提供的 服務都有強大的需求和依賴,而他們亦對藥品批發商所提供的服務有很多的意 見,因此評估和改善現有藥品批發商的管理是需要研究的。 產業組織理論指出市場結構對廠商的市場行為的確有直接影響,而行為也直 接影響了服務質量。本研究首先考察了本澳藥物業的市場結構,然後分析藥品批 發商的行為,再通過對 41 位需求方的調查訪談確定需求方對藥品批發商的角色 定位以及對它們所提供的服務的評價和改善建議,找出藥品批發商的內部和外部 管理的存在問題,最後讓藥品批發商提出反饋的意見,得到如下的結論: 在供體方面,本澳藥品批發商的市場結構具有集中、壟斷的特點;而在需求 方方面,醫院和私人藥房的市場份額佔據藥物業市場的主要部分,其中,衛生局 是藥品批發商最主要的客戶。這些的市場結構特徵影響了藥品批發商的市場行 為,其在藥品定價、拜訪和學術推廣方面都偏向於衛生局。在調查和訪談結果中發現,不同類型的需求方對藥品批發商的服務和角色定位有不同的要求,而這亦 恰恰與藥品批發商的市場行為相一致。而在服務質量方面,整體需求方最關注的 並且認為藥品批發商最需要改善的內容是藥品供給的問題。最後藥品批發商提出 了對其內、外部管理問題的改善經驗以及在改善過程中存在的困難,為本澳的藥 品批發商的管理提供了借鑒意義,也為下一步本澳藥品批發商的管理和發展方向 模式深入的研究作出了啟示,以更好地改善藥品批發商在服務上的存在問題。 關鍵詞:藥品批發商、市場結構、市場行為、服務管理

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Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences




Pharmaceutical industry -- Management

藥業 -- 管理



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