UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
Efficient query evaluation using hybrid index organization
- English Abstract
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Recently, a large amount of attention has been paid to efficient document retrieval from a gigantic data collection, such as in web search areas. For a keywords-search, the top-K computation scans the documents from multiple involved inverted lists and the computation should be stopped when there is no other unseen documents better than the top-K documents being seen so far, instead of traversing the whole lists. In this thesis, we give a comprehensive study and analyze the pros and cons of the state-of-the-art indexing structures and the top-K document retrieval techniques. Furthermore, we propose a new top-K evaluation framework from the following aspects. 1. Reorganizing inverted index– we study a new indexing structure such that more promising documents appear to the beginning of an inverted index. 2. Refining execution strategies – we study a new processing strategy such that a faster evaluation can be achieved. The superior of our proposed techniques has been demonstrated by a thorough experimental evaluation which compares our proposed techniques to the state-of-the-art approaches in the final section. It turns out that, on average, the response time of our methodologies is about 80% less than that of the reviewed approaches.
- Issue date
- Author
Zhou, Ying Jie
- Faculty
- Faculty of Science and Technology
- Department
- Department of Computer and Information Science
- Degree
- Subject
Electronic commerce
Software engineering
- Supervisor
Gong, Zhi Guo
U, Leong Hou
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991007309579706306