UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
陸機文心論 : 陸機作品的緣情解讀
- English Abstract
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Wei-Jin Dynasty is an era of literary consciousness, it provides favorable conditions for the establishment of Lu Chi’s “Emotion Theory”. Lu’s “Literary Mind” (i.e. the various thoughts and feelings shown in literary works) is focusing on this “Emotion Theory”, and both “Literary Mind” and “Emotion” is in a relation of master-slave and causation, the latter is the dominant factor. The quality of “Literary Mind” based on the quality of “Emotion”. The implementation of “Emotion Theory” in literature creations should use “sensation” as a necessary means, so as to show the inner feelings of the writer, to sublimate self-consciousness, and to raise the sense of life. Not only this, it makes the author of literary works can be the best testimony of true feelings. I intend to use the “content of one work can prove the others and vice versa” method, the classic text by Lu (“Wen Fu”) and other works as references to confirm each other. Besides, I attempt to explore the nature of “Emotion” and it’s internal and external connectivity, so as to show that Lu is the representative that has unified “Emotion” and creative practice. His works contain delicate and touching emotion, and fully demonstrate the theme of human, hence Lu’s personality and works can be enduring and resplendent.
- Chinese Abstract
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魏晉是文學自覺的時代,為陸機「緣情說」的奠定提供了有利的條件。陸機 「文心」以其「緣情説」為核心點,「文心」即作品所呈現出來的種種思想情感, 「文心」與「緣情」存在主從、因果關係,後者為主導因素,作家文心之優劣決 定於緣情之優劣。「緣情說」落實於文學創作之中須憑藉「感悟」作為必要手段, 才能使作家內在的胸臆之情發揮得淋漓盡致,促使自覺意識得以昇華,上揚至生 命意識,因而使文學作品能成為表現作家真情實感的最佳佐證。 本文擬以「本經証本經」的方式,以陸機經典文本<文賦>及其他作品互相 參照印証,嘗試探究「緣情說」之本質及內外聯繫性,藉此表明陸機是「緣情」 與創作實踐統一的俵俵者,其作品蘊含細膩動人的情感,充分地展現了人的主 題,因而其為人與作品能經久不衰、光芒萬丈。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Department
Department of Chinese
- Degree
- Subject
Lu, Chi, -- 261-303 -- Criticism and interpretation
陸機, -- 261-303 -- 評論及解釋
Lu, Chi, -- 261-303. -- Wen fu
陸機, -- 261-303. -- 文賦
Chinese literature -- 221 B.C.-960 A.D. -- History and criticism
中國文學 -- 秦代-五代, 公元前 221-公元 960 -- 歷史及評論
Emotions in literature
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991007187919706306