UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
沈從文小說死亡審美研究 = Study on death aesthetics of Shen Cong-wen's novels
- English Abstract
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Death is a scared thing that human beings could never avoid since it becomes a crucial stage in human life. Moreover, it seems to be an endless topic which people like to illustrate in literature , such as Shen Congwen did in his fictions. Shen Congwen becomes a well-known author with a touch of pastoral feeling in new literary history.He tries to describe the phenomena of individual and mass death with the touch of aesthetic feelings rather than a horror scene. The illustration of death can be divided into three aspects: firstly by means of natural objects and state such as the cave ,the wild flowers and dusk , to decorate the beauty of death ; secondly, by the creating of healthy and aesthetic individual to form the idealism of Social Utopia; thirdly , his personal opinion on death which is calm and natural ,surpassing the common spiritual concepts. Besides that, Shen Congwen has ever experienced a painful childhood life which is assumed as a factor influencing his thought of death . Our study mentioned three reasons of Shen Congwen’s way of thinking : one is the death of his beloved relatives and friends , especially his family’s military spirit; another thing is natural scenery in Xiangxi and the Maoism ; the other is his potential consciousness on the fear of locomotion which can replace the fear of death. By the topic on human characters , Shen Congwen illustrated the idealism of prosperous and healthy human nature,however ,most of readers were disappointed by the truth of the idealism was not eternal in the ending of the story。Naturally facing the incoming problem and death becomes a main concept of his thought. A conflict and hesitancy in his heart has been covered by the idealisme of Social Utopia, leading the modern concept of human death. Key Words: Shen Congwen’s fictions , Death Aesthetics, reasons, value
- Chinese Abstract
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死亡是人生的必經階段,又是文學跳不出的母題。沈從文在其小說中敘寫了大 量死亡場景,其中不僅存在大規模的集體喪亡,還包括眾多的個體毀滅。作為新文 學史中以牧歌情懷著稱的作家,其作品中死亡敘事帶給讀者的不是陰森恐怖而是審 美的感受。其作品死亡審美主要表現在三個方面:一是通過山洞、野花和黃昏等意 象營造出優美的死亡場景;二是通過唯美人性圕造表達對烏托邦社會理想的嚮往; 三是通過淡然對待死亡的態度,表現一種超脫的死亡觀念。 沈從文對待死亡的淡然態度與其生活經驗密不可分。本文從三個方面探討了形 成的原因:其一,沈從文在現實生活中體驗到的親人和友人的喪亡,以及家族的尚 武精神;其二,湘西的青山綠水和苗族文化浸染了沈從文的思想;其三,其潛意識 中不自覺流露出的位置情結替付了對於死亡的恐懼。 沈從文通過對小說中人物的圕造,表達了對於美好、健康人性的期望,但仙讀 者悲哀的是這些有著純樸人性的人們最終只能走向幻滅。沈從文精心鑄造的人性廟 孙隨著死亡的來臨而毀滅坍塌了。這種悖反的模式表現了其內心的矛盾與彷徨,同 時為理想烏托邦社會奏響了一曲輓歌,發出另類的呐喊,開啟了現付性的另一條道 路。 關鍵詞:沈從文小說,死亡審美,探因,價值
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Department
Department of Chinese
- Degree
- Subject
Shen, Tsung Wen, -- 1902-1988 -- Criticism and interpretation
沈從文, -- 1902-1988 -- 評論及解釋
Death in literature
Chinese literature -- 20th century -- History and criticism
中國文學 -- 20 世紀 -- 歷史及評論
Chinese fiction -- 20th century -- History and criticism
中國小說 -- 20 世紀 -- 歷史及評論
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991007187799706306