
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The purposes of this study are: (1) to explore the mathematical literacy performance (MLP) of Macao students who are in the age of 15 in 2003 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). The performance is assessed dividedly according to the four mathematical minor areas, students’ gender and the forms those students study in. (2)To analyze the MLP of those students in public questions in 2003 PISA in order to identify their superiority and inferiority. (3) To explore which cognitive component can better predict the variety of difficulty of public questions in 2003 PISA. (4) To explore how schools and educational government can use the result of 2003 PISA to lead the education of mathematics in Macao. To achieve the above research purposes, the data, public questions and cognitive component obtained from 1250 Macao students in the age of 15 in 2003 PISA were analyzed through SPSS, QQplot and Microsoft Excel. The findings of this study are summarized as the follows: (1) The MLP of Macao students is more desirable The MLP of Macao students in the age of 15 is more desirable, obtaining the average mark of 527.27 points with standard deviation of 86.95. It ranks higher than 30 countries of OECD, which obtains the average mark of 500, and lower than their standard deviation of 100, which exceeds about one third of the standard deviation in Macao. In general, Macao students perform the best in“Quantity", better in “Uncertainty", less well in “Space and Shape" and the least well in“Change and Relationship". (2) The MLP of Macao students is higher when the forms of those students are higher Among the Macao Students in the age of 15, students in the tenth form perform the best in all areas including “Space and Shape”, “Change and Relationship", “Quantity”and “Uncertainty”. The MLP of students in the ninth form, the eighth form decreases progressively. The MLP of students in the seventh form is the lowest among the five forms. As the number of sample students in the eleventh form is smaller, which leads to higher standard deviation, the MLP of students in the eleventh is decided by the performance of the three students. (3) The MLP of boys is superior to girls The Mathematics average mark of boys and girls in 2003 PISA are 538.19 points and 516.94 points respectively. They are all higher than the average mark of countries in OCED, which is 500 points. Boys exceed girls with 21.26 points, which is about one quarter of student deviation in Macao and also shows significant difference on statistics (p<0.05). According to the average mark in general, the MLP of boys is superior to girls. However, to analyze from the four minor areas, boys have no significant superiority in the area of low mark, especially in“Uncertainty“ and “Quantity“, which follows next. Girls do not perform Worse than boys. (4) There is a higher proportion of students with high MLP than low MLP About 70.09% of Macao students in the age of 15 belong to medium level. 18.71% are with high MLP while 11.21% are with low MLP (5)“Change and Relationship“ is the weakness of Macao students In 2003 PISA, Macao students are weak at“Change and Relationship“ in all different analysis from the forms students study in, the four mathematical minor areas, percentage of proficiency level and different gender of students. They are better at“Quantity“ and “Uncertainty“. (6) Problem solving and cognitive component can better predict the variety of difficulty of questions in 2003 PISA. Both problem solving and two levels of cognitive component can predict the coefficient of difficulty at about 60.2 %, which illustrates that Macao students will feel more difficult if the questions require higher cognitive component. According to the findings, there are several recommendations made for teachers, school administrators and the local government toward education policy-making.

Chinese Abstract

本研究的主要目的是:(1)探討澳門15 歲學生在PISA2003的數學素養表現,其中 以數學的四個子範疇、學生的性別和學生就讀的年級來劃分。(2)分析澳門15歲學生在PISA2003公開題目的數學素養表現,了解他們的優勢和弱勢。(3)探討何種認知成份較能預測PISA2003公開題目的難度變異。(4)探討學校和教育當局如何利用PISA2003的結果去導引澳門的數學教育。 爲達到上述之研究目的,本研究對PISA2003澳門1250名15歲學生所測試得的數 據、公開的題目和認知成份,通過統計軟體 SPSS 和Microsoft Excel,顯示數據的圖像方法 QQplot 進行分析,從而得到以下幾點結論 壹、澳門學生的數學素養表現較理想 澳門 15 歲學生在PISA2003的數學素養表現較爲理想,本均分是527.27分,標準差爲 86.95,較三十個OECD成員國的不均值500分爲高,標準差100爲低,大約高三分之一澳門的標準差。整體而言,在數量方面表現較好,其次是不確定性,繼而是空間與圖形,表現較弱的是改變與關係。 貳、澳門學生的數學素養表現,隨著年級的增加而越優秀 澳門 15 歲學生在PISA2003,數學素養表現較好的是10年級的學生,無論是空間 與圖形、改變與關係、數量和不確定性都是表現最好的,其次是9年极、8年級,7年級的學生則是5個級別中表現最差的,11年級則是由於抽樣的學生人數較少,標準誤會較大,因此11年級的數學素養很取決於受試那三個學生的表現。 參、澳門男生的數學素養顯著優於女生(p<0.05 )總括而 言 , 澳门的男 、 女生在 PISA2003的数学平均分分别是338.19 分和516.94分,都较OECD成员国的 年均值500分為高 , 男生比女生高21.26 分,約為四分之一澳門的标准差, 在統計上是有顯著差異 (p<0.05 )。 以平均分整体而言, 男生的數學素養表现是优於女生, 但从4个子範疇分析,男 生在低分区未见有明顯的优势, 特別是在不確定性, 其次是数量, 女生不見得较男生為差。肆 、澳門的高数学素養表現學生多於低表现学生澳门15歲学生的数学素养大部份都是属於中間水平,大约有70.09% , 18.71% 為高表現學生,11.21% 是低表现学生。伍、改變與關係是 澳门学生的弱项 在 PISA2003中 , 不论是从學生就讀的年級、數學四个子範疇 ,精煉水平百分比或学生的不同性别来分析, 澳门学生都是以改變與關係較弱,比较有优势的是在数量及不 确定性方面。陸、 解难和認知类别较能预测 PISA2003 的题目难度差異 就解难和認知类别兩个認知成份的層次,共同能预测大約60.2% 的难度係數,說明题目在以上的認知成份層次越高 ,澳门的学生越感到困难。 根据以上的研究結果 ,对教师、教育机构和教育当局提出建議, 以作参考之用。

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Faculty of Education




Mathematics -- Study and teaching.

數學 -- 學習及教學.

Mathematical ability -- Testing.

數學能力 -- 測試.



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