
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

Abstract This study investigated the relationship between the willingness, the actual usage of network classroom and the school administrative supports of Macau secondary school teachers. This study include the survey of willingness, actual usage, difficulties and administrative supports for Macau secondary school teachers; analysis of the relationship/differences between teachers background and their willingness, actual usage; the factors in terms of personal interest and school administrative supports that affects the willingness, the actual usage while teacher using the network classroom. The findings of this study are as follows: (1) Motivation and actual usage in network classroom are poor. (2) Major difficulties and obstacles faced by Macau secondary school teachers is 'heavy work load without sufficient time', which is caused by insufficient 'teaching support'. (3) Motivation and actual usage in network class are in positive correlations with the administrative supports, while 'psychological support' and 'teaching support' have significant correlations between variables. (4) Teachers with training hours more than 101 have a higher level in 'motivation of using assessment'; large school teachers have a higher level in 'motivation of using e content'; married teachers are more frequent in 'actual usage in assessment' and 'actual usage in report'; computer teachers are more frequent in 'actual usage in assessment and network classroom'; teachers with less than or equal to 10 classes per week are more frequent in 'actual usage in assessment and forum'; teachers who teach more than 46 students are more frequent in 'actual usage in forum', 'actual usage in report and network classroom'; medium size school teachers are more frequent in 'actual usage in forum'. (5) 'Psychological support' and 'teaching support' are most influential between the administrative supports which affect the motivation in implementing network classroom; 'teaching support' is most influential among the administrative supports which affect the actual usage in implementing network classroom.

Chinese Abstract

摘要 本研究旨在探討澳門中學教師使用網絡教室意願、實際情況與學校行政支援的關係。基於研究需要,故對教師使用網絡教室意願、實際情況、學校行政支援和教師所面臨的困難因素做出調查。並分析不同個人背景教師在使用網絡教室意願、實際情況之差異,最後分析影響教師使用網絡教室意願和實際情況的個人因素和行政支援因素。 本研究之結果發現:一、澳門中學教師使用網絡教室的意願及現況欠佳。二、澳門中學教師使用網絡教室所面臨困難與障礙以「工作負擔大時間不足」為全面性問題,亦即「教學支援」不足所造成。三、澳門中學教師使用網絡教室意願、實際情況與學校行政支援呈正相關,當中以「心理支援」和「教學支援」相關度顯著。四、培訓時數達101小時以上教師,在使用「作業和自測意願」層面較高;任教大型學校教師在使用「教學課程意願」層面較高;已婚教師在使用「作業和自測實際情況」和「學習管理實際情況」較頻密;電腦科教師在使用「作業和自測實際情況」和「整體實際情況」較頻密;授課節數10節或以下教師在使用「作業和自測實際情況」和「討論區實際情況」較頻密;任教46人以上教師在使用「討論區實際情況」「學習管理實際情況」和「整體實際情況」較頻密;任教中型學校教師在使用「討論區實際情況」較頻密。五、影響使用網絡教室實際情況的行政支援中,以「教學支援」為最具影響力。 根據以上的研究結果,對教育部門、學校行政管理人員、教師及後續研究等方面提出具體建議,作為持續推動澳門中學使用網絡教室作參考。 關鍵字:網絡教室、學校行政支援

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Faculty of Education




Internet in education -- Macau

應用於教育的互聯網 -- 澳門

Computer-assisted instruction -- Macau

電腦輔助教學 -- 澳門

School management and organization -- Macau

學校管理及組織 -- 澳門

High school teachers -- Macau

高中教師 -- 澳門



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