UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
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- English Abstract
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This study investigated the relationship between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behaviour for primary and secondary schools in Macao. Perception of organizational justice and performance of organizational citizenship behavior for Macao teachers are measured empirically. This study also examined the effects of teacher background variables on OJB and OCB of Macao teachers, to probe into the perception of organizational justice as a predictor of OCB. Based on research results, we provide various policy suggestions on promoting the Macao teachers' OCB. The subject of this study was consisted of 562 teachers from both Macao primary and secondary schools. The questionnaires were delivered to these primary and secondary teachers with convenience sampling method. A total of 454 valid questionaires were received and the return rate is 80.8%. Organizational justice scale and organizational citizenship behaviour scale developed by Niehoff & Moorman(1993)and Somech & Ron(2007) respectively were employed. The major findings of this research are summarized as follows: 1. Teachers' perception of organizational justice in Macao is just so so, where teachers perceive the highest organizational justice in the dimension of “distributive justice” and the lowest organizational justice in the dimension of “procedural justice”. The performance of OCB for Macao’s teachers is good; in particular, the “courtesy” is the best scoring dimension and “sportsmanship” is the lowest one. 2. In the case of Macao, OJB has significant differences with teacher background variables. Male teachers have higher perception in OJB than female teachers. Teachers with extra administrative role have more perception in “interactional justice”. Teachers with bachelor degree have higher perception in overall OJB than those with certificates at higher diploma level. Moreover, teachers with monthly payment level at “MOP 20,001 to MOP 25,000”, show a higher perception in overall OJB than those with payment level at “MOP 10,001 to MOP 13,000”. vi 3. In the case of Macao, OCB has significant differences with teacher background variables. Female teachers perform better in the dimension of “conscientiousness” of OCB. Teacher with over 30 years of service perform better in overall OJB than those with service years between 6 and 10. In terms of overall OCB, married teachers perform better than unmarried teachers. Teachers who are part-time administrators have better performance in overall OCB and its two dimensions of “conscientiousness” and “civil virtue”. In addition, teachers over 60 year-old have a better performance in overall OCB than the age groups at both 19 to 30 year-old and 31 to 40 year-old. 4. There was significantly positive correlation between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behaviour. Especially, overall OJB and its three dimenions were examined to give the highest correlation with the dimension of “civil virtue” of OCB. According to these results, the suggestions are as following: 1. The school principals should nurture and sustain a fair school culture that increases teachers's perception of organizationl justice. 2. Schools should establish formal and transparent superior-subordinate communication channels for superior administrators and teachers. 3. Principals should provide more promotional opportunities to female teachers. 4. To setup a fund for organizing various school-based competitions as well as inter-school activities. 5. DSEJ should limit the enlargement of wage-gap between public and private schools. Keywords: organizational justice, organizational citizenship behaviour
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- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Organizational justice -- Macau
組織之公義 -- 澳門
Organizational behavior -- Macau
組織行為 -- 澳門
Teachers -- Macau
教師 -- 澳門
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991006560669706306