
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


Intellectual property rights and protection of traditional knowledge : emerging challenges and the role of international legal order

English Abstract

As long as there will be a human being, there will be a traditional knowledge for that's an inherent condition about us. To gather all of it, set to arrangements, and avoid clashing of properties is not that easy. Although everyone is aware of the great risk of greater losses to themselves, processes seem to drag forever. There's got to be a consensus among all governments, indigenous and/or local peoples in order to achieve a minimum order, providing legal protection to TK through intellectual property rights, sui generis measure, defensive or positive measure. TK related inventions and intellectual properties need to be recognized and respected. Indigenous and/or local peoples should be able of trading their own products as they find it better for them which would probably reduce Biopiracy to lower levels; as to say; until it no longer can be practiced and worst of all under such names as international business, new technologies; all in detriment of those who over ages have retained this knowledge, the bare one, but sufficient enough for their survival over countless generations.

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Sant'Anna, Michele de Aguiar


Faculty of Law




Intellectual property

Cultural property -- Protection -- Law and legislation

International law


Ramaswamy Muruga Perumal

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