
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

Abstract A call for reform in physical education is a common Phenomenon for many places. The purpose seems relate to the demand on quality improvement of students through the teaching of physical activities. Requests on quality growth of generic and other life skills seem to be the most popular focus. Past documents indicated a lack of development in Macau due to the high emphasis on using of directive method in teaching and the focus on sport skills development. This observation indicated a lack of ability for teachers to attain the latest educational change. A series of works were done from government in order to alert teachers about the current request. Teachers start to build up their lessons with games components. A common model sequenced with"Skill, Game, Skill, Game" develops. The current study focused on the use of command and exploratory approach with this learning sequence in teaching of football at primary. This study adopted an experimental design through using two different approaches in teaching football in the duration of 6 weeks,Questionnaires,interview and observation were used for collecting the data. showed that there was no clear difference in the students' cognitive learning. For the affective learning, 20 questions were asked and three of them showed remarkable differences. On the other hand, there was no obvious difference in the competitive Performances. In conclusion, using command and exploratory approach in teaching football did not show any obvious differences in students' learning. The main reason seemed relate to the sequences of learning. The game context provided equal opportunities for students to develop their abilities even though different style of teaching was initiated. Students had only got the interaction with the lesson plan

Chinese Abstract

摘要 順應世界體育課程發展的潮流,澳門中小學體育課程的改革勢在必行,在改革過程中出現了很多新種類的教學法,而過往的文獻亦顯示出澳門體育教學的呆滯,是有必要改變的。就這個議題,本論文試圖研究澳門體育教學的現況。社會改變,體育教學亦跟隨著改變,這個理念原自於互動理論模式。近年澳門教育當局積極推行教改,例如推行探究式教學、遊戲式教學和啓發式教學等等。雖然這些理論並沒有強制地用於體育教學中,但對體育教學來說卻靜靜地帶來了改變。體育教學法從以往單一的命令式,改變至現今的命令式滲透入探究及啓發等元素,同時亦透過「技能、遊戲、技能、遊戲」的教學安排來鞏固新的運動技能。本研究就命令與探究教學法作比較。本研究採納準試驗設計,介入為期六週兩種教學法進行足球教學。同時亦採納問卷調查法、訪問法及教學觀察法進行數據收集。數據顯示,當對照命令式和探索式教學上,在認知發展上兩者並沒有太大的分別。在情意發展上總共問了二十題問題,當中有三題有顯著的差異,其餘就沒有太大的分別。而於比賽表現上兩者則沒有太大的分別。從以上觀察,兩者的教學法並沒有為學生學習帶來明顯差異。其中的可能性是因兩組學生均接受同樣的教學安排,學生與教學安排產生互動,並不是與教師的教學方法產生互動。期望本研究的結果能為澳門體育的未來帶來一個新的參考。 關鍵詞:體育教學法、命令式教學法、探索式教學法、教學安排教學互動

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Faculty of Education




Physical education for children -- Macau

兒童的體能教育 -- 澳門

Physical education and training -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Macau

體育教育及訓練 -- 學習及教學 (小學) -- 澳門

Soccer -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Macau

英式足球 -- 學習及教學 (小學) -- 澳門



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