
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

Abstract The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of applying BLOG onto the mathematic teaching; and try to figure out how BLOG affects students' academic achievement on their mathematic learning. The target is a class of Senior 2 students. The study of this research is going to separate the 45 students into nine groups and use their first semester's mathematic score as the index. There are varieties of learning in each group and the average academic result is from 56 to 60.8. Students study at home after they have regular traditional classes in school and discussions on the BLOG Eight 40 minutes lessons are explored in this research. Before they start to use the BLOG on their learning, all the students will give a test on the unit of"Probability" and they will have another test after the whole unit is taught. According to both test scores - the pre-test and the post-test, and the statistics of the students use the BLOG on the web, the analysis is conducted. The results of this research are as follow: 1. Focus on the senior probability unit, the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) in pre-test and the post-test is significance in different levels' students. 2. Focus on the senior probability unit, the number of the post on the BLOG and the online hours had significance relationship in different levels' students. 3. Focus on the senior probability unit, the number of the post on the BLOG and the learning achievement had not significance relationship in different levels' students. 4. Focus on the senior probability unit, the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) in pre-test and the post-test is significance in high level students group. 5. Focus on the senior probability unit, the number of the post on the BLOG and the online hours had significance relationship in high level students group. 6. Focus on the senior probability unit, the number of the post on the BLOG , the online hours and the learning achievement had not significance relationship in high level students group. 7. Focus on the senior probability unit, the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) in pre-test and the post-test ls significance in middle level students group. 8. Focus on the senior Probability unit, the number of the post on the BLOG and the online hours had significance relationship in middle level students group. 9. Focus on the senior probability unit, the number of the post on the BLOG the online hours and the learning achievement had not significance relationship in middle level students group. 10. Focus on the senior probability unit, the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) in Pre-test and the post-test ls significance in low level students group. 11.Focus on the senior probability unit, the number of the post on the BLOG and the online hours had significance relationship in low level students group. 12.Focus on the senior probability unit, the number of the post on the BLOG, the online hours and the learning achievement had not significance relationship in low level students group.

Chinese Abstract

摘要 本研究的主要目的在於了解學生的學習成就是否收到Blog應用在教學當中的影響,同時了解學生在應用Blog學習的過程對他們的學習成就的影響。 研究對象為澳門某中學高中二年級學生,共45人,本研究將45位學生按他們上學期的數學分數為指標,把他們共分為9個小組。學生在學校進行「傳統講述式教學」,回家後在Blog中進行網上討論。本研究教學為8節課。每節課40分鐘。在進行Blog應用教學之前,全班學生都接受概率單元成就測驗前測,教學後接受概率單元成就測驗後測,作為研究分析數據。並在學生Blog中搜集數據並連同學生的前、後測數據共同進行分析。得到下列發現。 1. 針對高中概率單元,全班不同學習成就的學生,前測與後測的共變分析達非常顯著。 2. 針對高中概率單元,全班不同學習成就的學生,發帖數與在線時間有顯著相關。 3. 針對高中概率單元,全班不同學習成就的學生,發帖數、在線時間都與學習成就未有顯著相關。 4. 針對高中概率單元,高學習成就的學生,前測與後測的共變分析達非常顯著。 5. 針對高中概率單元,高學習成就的學生,發帖數與在線時間有顯著相關。 6. 針對高中概率單元,高學習成就的學生,發帖數、在線時間都與學習成就未有顯著相關。 7. 針對高中概率單元,中學習成就的學生,前測與後測的共變分析達非常顯著。 8. 針對高中概率單元,中學習成就的學生,發帖數與在線時間有顯著相關。 9. 針對高中概率單元,中學習成就的學生,發帖數、在線時間都與學習成就未有顯著相關。 10. 針對高中概率單元,低學習成就的學生,前測與後測的共變分析達非常顯著。 11. 針對高中概率單元,低學習成就的學生,發帖數與在線時間有顯著相關。 12. 針對高中概率單元,低學習成就的學生,發帖數、在線時間都與學習成就未有顯著相關。

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Faculty of Education






Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Macau

數學 -- 學習及教學 (高中) -- 澳門

Lesson planning


Internet in education -- Macau

應用於教育的互聯網 -- 澳門



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