
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


教育老兵的新說 : 教師個人實踐知識之自敘研究

English Abstract

Teacher's knowledge is a neglected issue for a long time in teacher study. It is a basic knowledge for teachers' development, and it depends on teacher's experience, exists in the current teaching behavior, and forecasts the possible prospective teacher's teaching. It is a continuous developing process, which penetrates the past, content and future teacher's teaching life. In order to researchers' practical knowledge, we must deep into the teacher's teaching life and teacher's daily life with suitable method. Narrative research provides a new method for education research because it is close to personal experience. Furthermore, narrative researchprovides a suitable research method for teacher's practical knowledge because it is concerned with the teacher's personal experience. Accompanying with the growing of qualitative rescarch in recent years, narrative research method was introduced to research the teacher's daily life and experience. And it is used to dig out the education significance by narrating the “story” which happened in teaching life. Teacher’s practical knowledge hides in the teacher's teaching and the “story". We can comprehend them by explaining the “story". Based on the theoretical research of the teacher's practical knowledge and phenomenology, the thesis selects myself as a case of my research. I narrate my own stories by using the on-site teaching, the stories out of classes and the experiences in my growing up. This paper tries to describe the practical knowledge from the several aspects: my education belief , thought of myself, situational knowledge and strategy knowledge. What is more, with the perspective of human and knowledge, this thesis discusses factors relating to the forming and development of teachers’practical knowledge. Key words:practical knowledge, phenomenology, narrative research, reflection

Chinese Abstract

中文摘要 敍事研究因其與人類經驗的密切聯繫,為教育研究提供了一條新的路徑。進而,對教師來說,敍事研究也因其關注教師自身的經驗,為教師實踐知識的研究提供了合適的方法。敍事研究是近年來伴隨質的研究方法的興起而被引入的,它主要被用來研究教師的日常生活和經驗,通過敍述教學生活中發生的“故事”,來挖掘“故事”背後的教育意義。教師的個人實踐知識隱藏於教師的教學生活和“故事”中,通過對“故事”意義的闡釋,可以理解其中隱藏的教師個人實踐知識。 教師的實踐知識在教師研究領域中是一個長期遭到忽視的問題。它是教師專業發展的基礎性知識,它依賴於教師過去的經驗,存在於教師當前的教學生活中,並預示著未來可能的教師教學。它是一個動態的不斷發展的過程,貫穿於教師教學生活的過去、現在和未來。研究教師的個人實踐知識必須找到合適的研究方法深入到教師的教學和生活事件中。 本研究在對教師個人實踐知識理論研究和現象學的基礎上,選取自己教育及教學經歷進行敍事研究的嘗試。通過自己教學的現場,對教學及生活“故事”進行了敍述。具體包括了我課堂內外的“故事”以及成長經歷。在教育信仰、自我知識、情境知識、及現象學反思性知識基礎上,探討了教師實踐知識形成與教師發展的相關的影響因素。 關鍵詞:教師實踐知識,現象學,敍事研究,反思

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Faculty of Education




Teachers -- China -- Case studies

教師 -- 中國 -- 個案研究

Teachers -- Training of -- China -- Case studies

教師 -- 職業培訓 -- 中國 -- 個案研究

Teaching -- China -- Case studies

教學 -- 中國 -- 個案研究



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