
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


電腦輔助教學中以教師為中心與以學生為中心兩種教學方法下學生學習態度與動機對學習結果和認知負荷影響之研究 / The effects of learning attitude and motivation on learning performance and cognitive load under two instructional strategies : teacher-centered and student-centered / Chu Yilin.

English Abstract

This study aimed at investigating the effects of learning attitude and involvement motivation on learning performance and cognitive load during mathematics performance under two instructional strategies using PG_Lab. PG_Lab is a computer - based graphics tool which could draw pictures of quadratic function in computer. One of the instructional strategies in this study was teacher - centered. Under this strategy the teacher presented course contents by manipulating PG_Lab. The other strategy was student - centered. In this case, the students operated PG_Lab by themselves to solve the mathematics problems. Results revealed there was significant correlation between learning ability and attitude, learning ability and motivation, respectively. Students of higher ability might have more positive attitude and higher motivation. Instructional strategies did not influence learning performance and cognitive load much. In other words, there was no difference in the promotion in students’ performance between teacher - and student - centered instructional strategies when PG_Lab was integrated into instruction. Learning ability influenced learning performance. Students of higher scores in the last term exam also got higher performance. Learning attitude influenced learning performance as well. Students of more positive attitude got higher performance. But learning motivation did not influence learning performance in this study. Moreover, when the strategy was teacher – centered, students of more negative attitude reported they were more understandable and unforgettable with questions, but at the same time, feeling problems more difficult. Students of higher learning motivation felt less physical pressure during the performance. These results provided good insights that cognitive load imposed by external factors such as instructional strategies could not be considered independently from a learner’s factors such as learning ability, attitude and motivation. Students’ learning attitude and motivation were needed to be concerned in purpose of gaining better instructional effects. IV

Chinese Abstract

本研究意在探討,在使用 PG_Lab 輔助教學的兩種教學方法下,學生的學習 態度和學習動機對學習結果和測驗階段認知負荷的影響。PG_Lab 是一種以計算機 為平臺的繪圖軟件,可以對解析幾何方程式進行圖形繪畫。本研究涉及兩種教學 方法:一是教師為中心的教學方法,該教學方法下的教學是由教師獨立操作 PG_Lab 講解習題。二是學生為中心的教學方法,該教學方法下的教學是由學生自 主操作 PG_Lab 解決問題。 研究結果發現,學習能力與學習態度、學習能力與學習動機均存在顯著的相 關關係。能力越高的學生學習態度可能更積極,學習動機更大。教學方法對學習 結果和認知負荷均不存在顯著的影響。教師為中心和學生為中心的教學方法,在 PG_Lab 融入教學的情況下,對學習效果的促進是基本相同的。學習能力對學習結 果存在顯著的影響,上學期成績高的學生仍舊獲得較高的測驗成績。學習態度對 學習結果存在顯著的影響,態度越積極的學生測驗成績越高。學習動機對學習結 果不存在顯著影響。此外,當教學方法為學生為中心時,學習態度為消極的學生 報告的理解和記憶程度更高,同時其報告的困難度更高。當教學方法為教師為中 心時,有高學習動機的低能力學生在測驗階段感受到更少的身體疲勞。 本研究給予的啟示是,由外在因素(如教學方法)所引起的認知負荷不能獨 立於學習者因素(如學習能力,態度或動機)進行考慮。只有將學習態度和動機 也納入考慮才能獲得更好的教學效果。

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Faculty of Education




Computer-assisted instruction


Cognitive learning theory


Geometry, Plane -- Study and teaching

平面幾何學 -- 學習及教學



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