
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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澳門大學生壓力、遵循父母期望與心理適應之關係 : 以澳門大學為例

English Abstract

The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among stress, live-up-to parental expectations, and psychological adjustment (including depression and anxiety) of college students in Macau. Meanwhile, live-up-to parental expectations were applied as the moderators to analyze the interaction between life stressors, live-up-to parental expectations, depression and anxiety. Self-reported questionnaires were used as instruments in this study included ICSRLE, LPEI, FNE translated and CES-D translated. Year one to year four local students under the Bachelor’s Degree Program at the University of Macau were invited to participate in this study. Results of this study indicated that the more overall life stressors college students had, the higher level of depression and higher level of anxiety they would experience; the bigger range of difference in overall live-up-to parental expectations college students had, the more overall life stressors they had; the bigger range of difference in overall live-up-to parental expectations college students had, the higher level of depression and higher level of anxiety they would experience. However, live-up-to parental expectations did not appear to have any moderating effect between the relationship of life stressors and psychological adjustments (including depression and anxiety). Keywords: Life Stressors, Live-up-to Parental Expectations, Psychological Adjustment, Depression, Anxiety

Chinese Abstract

翫扇浩且捜扉得焜醇箇澁忌忌成癸穏れ甌猶鰍願乱俵扼格鮒沺盂ゴ刊仁枉譚扼鱗杙サ 介范唱る克樺甌猶鰍願乱俵桑殱埔襠冪る樺睨覈忌成癸穏唳れ甌猶鰍願乱俵れ枉譚 扼鱗杙洲飢壊桑揮ろ扇浩迦紺製倶慢喬婆債る灰劇扇浩農扼醜洲煤翫嬌駐殱髄れ KohnれLafreniere 扼 Gurevichゴ1990サ洲 ICSRLEるWang 扼 Heppnerゴ2002サ橇捍 洲 LPEIる叙牆絞ゴ1997サ橇蔬洲 FNE 扼湧爵堚橇蔬洲 CES-Dる克篏殤雅肺焜醇鶴 兄具甚脳焜醇箇澁澁禾澁寓郭兔殫廊介黄叫途句竿叫途翫旧忌倶茴農扼ろ扇浩和軸 襴季る箇澁忌介秡覓忌成癸穏唳厰挙るヌ枉譚厖ネ扼ヌ鱗杙厖ネ家疊介厰箇ゐ箇澁 忌帆枝掣繍差洲秡覓甌猶鰍願乱俵廊織介鍛做厰箇る艮枝増廴洲秡覓忌成癸穏唳家 厰挙ゐ箇澁忌帆枝掣繍差洲秡覓甌猶鰍願乱俵廊織介鍛做厰箇る艮枝増廴洲ヌ枉譚 厖ネ扼ヌ鱗杙厖ネ家厰箇ろ塁衿る甌猶鰍願乱俵廴次忌成癸穏扼格鮒沺盂ゴ刊仁枉 譚扼鱗杙サ介范唱克賀紺殱埔桑揮ろ 范篥享ゑ忌成癸穏唳れ甌猶鰍願乱俵れ格鮒沺盂れ枉譚れ鱗杙

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Faculty of Education




Stress in youth -- Macau -- Case studies

青少年的壓力 -- 澳門 -- 個案研究

College students -- Macau -- Psychology -- Case studies

大專學生 -- 澳門 -- 心理 -- 個案研究

Stress management for teenagers -- Macau -- Case studies

少年人的壓力管理 -- 澳門 -- 個案研究



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