
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


To what extent does Teledifusao de Macau (TDM) fulfill its role as a public service broadcaster?

English Abstract

The relationship between the government and the media is always intimate. Teledifusão de Macau (TDM), is one of the examples to demonstrate the situation. It is named "Macao Television Station". According to revised concession contract signed with GDTTI, on behalf of the SAR government, it has stated clearly that the objective of the company (TDM) is to operate television and audio public broadcasting services. (Official Gazette, 2005). This has clearly defined that TDM is the public service broadcaster in Macao. It has been a private company, a semi-government station, and now it's totally financial dependent on the Macao S.A.R. government. Being a PSB, it has to be a watchdog of the government. This contradicting situation has put TDM in an awkward situation. The public began to question whether TDM is fulfilling its role as a PSB. Scholars have been studying the role and functions of a PSB, and define the following criteria as determinants: editorial independence, accountability and social responsibility. This paper studies how TDM plays its role as a PSB by means of in-depth interview with the management and the staff of TDM, and via document review, and try to achieve a conclusion.

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Wu, Sok Han

Faculty of Social Sciences (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Communication



Television broadcasting -- Macau



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