
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


論TRIPS協定中的地理標志保護制度 : 兼述對我國的影響及應有的對策 = On Geographical Indications Protection System in TRIPS Agreement : with concurrent discussion its impact on China and our proper countermeasures

English Abstract

As a rising kind of intellectual properties, geographical indication is attracting increasing attentions. It reveals to the people the close intrinsic relations between a certain product and the humanistic or natural environment of a particular geographic area, such as its quality, reputation, characteristics and so forth. Geographical indication is like a "High Quality Certificate". As an important content of the International Intellectual Property Protection System, it is gradually playing a powerful economic role in today's international trade. As an international treaty that makes the most comprehensive rules about the geographical indications protection issue, "TRIPS Agreement" is undoubtedly a milestone of the Geographical Indications Protection System. This paper is divided into five chapters with approximately 60 million chinese characters. The first chapter of this article takes the evolution of the international geographical indications protection as the study object to clarify the origin of the concept of geographical indication and discuss the previous international treaties' impact upon and links with the Geographical Indications Protection System in the TRIPS Agreement. It evaluates the positive impact and objective limitation of the previous treaties and at the same time demonstrates the unparalleled decisive role of the TRIPS Agreement in the Geographical Indications Protection System. The second, third and forth chapters of this article analyze the framework, the principles and spirits, the legal connotations as well as the development trend of the Geographical Indications Protection System by respectively studying in different points of views three aspects of TRIPS Geographical Indications Protection System: some flaw issues, dispute cases and hot issues of the negotiations and debates. This article studies three main issues of the geographical indications protection, which are the exception provision of common names, the anti-dilution issue and the conflict resolution system of the TRIPS Geographical Indications Protection System, and it also discusses some of the defects and deficiencies. In addition, this article also takes a hot issue, that is, the debate about strengthening the geographical indications protection as one of the study emphases. Lastly chapter, this article presents the conception of establishing a Geographical Indications Protection System Separate Law by linking to the status and problems of China's geographical indications protection, combining with the study on the TRIPS Geographical Indications Protection System and taking planning a geographical indications protection strategy with Chinese characteristics as the basic point. [Key words]: geographical indications intellectual property TRIPS Agreement

Chinese Abstract

地理標志(geographical indication)作為一類新興的知識產權正越來越被人們關注。地理標志向人們揭示了某種產品的質量、聲譽、特征等與某一特定地理區域人文或自然環境之間所存在的密切内在聯系。 地理標志好比一張“優質證明書”,作爲國際知識產權保護制度的一項重要内容,它在當今國際贸易中正逐漸彰顯著它强大的經濟作用。 《TRIPS協定》作為對地理標志保護問題規定得最全面的國際條約無疑是地理標 志國際保護的一個裏程碑。 本文共分為五章,約6萬餘字。 本文首章將地理標志國際保護沿革的作為研究對象,明晰地理標志概念的由来,並對之前國際條約中與TRIPS協定中地理標志保護制度建立的影響和聯系進行論述。在評價之前條約的積極影響與客觀局限的同時也論證了TRIPS協定對於地理標志保護制度不可比擬的決定性作用。 在本文二、三、四章分別對TRIPS地理標志保護制度若幹瑕疵問題研究、TRIPS中地理標志争端案研究以及TRIPS中地理標志保護制度談判爭論热點問题研究這三方面從不同角度剖析了地理標志保護制度的框架構成、原則精神、法理内涵以及發展趨势。本文研究了TRIPS地理標志保護制度中的通用名稱例外規定、反淡化問题、及地理標志與商標的冲突解决制度三個主要問題,並論述了其中一定的缺陷與不足。另外,對於有關加强地理標志保護爭論這一熱點問題,本文也將其作為研究重點之一。 最後一章,聯系到我國对於地理標志保護的现狀和問題所在,結合對於TRIPS地理標志保護制度的研究,以規劃我國特色地理標志保護戰略為基點,本文提出了建立地理標志保護單行法的構想。 【關鍵詞】:地理標志 知識產權 TRIPS協定

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Faculty of Law




Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) -- (1994)

與貿易有關的知識產權協定 (1994)

Trademarks -- China

商標 -- 中國

Conflict of laws -- Trademarks

國際私法 -- 商標

Intellectual property (International law)

知識產權 (國際法)



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