UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
- English Abstract
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The paper is aimed at studying the famous specialist in Chinese Ci, namely Tang Gui-zhang ( 1901-1990 ) , and he is esteemed as a master scholar in the field. Tang's contribution to the genre was a result of a nature development of Qing dynasty's literary path and his main claim on the genre of Ci was known as stylish the complete anthropology of Sung's dynasty's Ci. Tang's had emphasized a precise methods in study of Ci, which was seed as important as talent of literature. His research had kept a closed link with time and had shown a development of Chinese literature under a great impact of Western concepts during a transitional period. The paper will exanimate Tang's life and scholarly activities, and evaluate his contribution to the field.
- Chinese Abstract
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唐圭璋(一九零一 —— 一九九零),著名詞學家,畢生治詞,無旁騖他業,以編纂《全宋詞》著稱。 先生之詞學上承晚清傳統,是當代詞壇尊體派傳人。治詞兼具天份與學力,故考訂之學、論述之學與倚聲之學皆甚當行出色。研究先生及其詞學與當代詞學之關係,不但能更確切認識其治詞觀念與業績,亦有助了解傳統派詞人在當代詞壇的活動情況,以及在新思潮沖擊下的詞學觀念。 本文擬從先生的治詞經歷以及治詞業績兩方面進行論述,嘗試分析先生的詞學觀念及其與當代詞學的關係。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Department
- Department of Chinese Language and Literature (former name: Department of Chinese)
- Degree
- Subject
Tang, Kuei Chang, -- 1901-1990
唐圭璋, -- 1901-1990
Tang, Kuei Chang, -- 1901-1990 -- Criticism and Interpretation
唐圭璋, -- 1901-1990 -- 評論及解釋
Ci (Chinese poetry) -- History and criticism
詞 (中國詩詞) -- 歷史及評論
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991003791419706306