
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The main purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between freshmen's perceptions of their social support and their life adjustment while studying at the University of Macau. The effects of gender, status, department, and social-economic status on social support and life adjustment, and the relations between demographic variables and social support variables, were also analyzed. A questionnaire survey was administered to 625 freshmen students from the University of Macau in the spring of 2006. Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, t-test,One-way ANOVA, and Multiple Regression analyses were used as analytical tools. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. The most accessible social support for the freshmen was informational, followed by emotional support, and lastly instrumental support. The major providers of informational and emotional support were their families, while peers were the main providers of instrumental support. 2. According to the life adjustment, the freshmen were best at goal adjustment, second was academic adjustment, the third was social adjustment and the least was emotional adjustment. 3. Female students obtained more social support than male students. Students in different faculties experienced different situations in terms of their social support, with students from the Faculty of Business Administration obtaining the most average score, and students from the Faculty of Law the least. Overseas students obtained more social support than local students. Finally, students of different social-economic statuses experienced different situations in terms of their social support. 4.Male students achieved life adjustment scores as same as female students. Female students achieved higher social adjustment scores than male students. 5. Students from the Faculty of Business Administration achieved higher life adjustment scores than students from the Faculty of Science and Technology. 6. Local students achieved lower life adjustment scores than overseas students, and they experienced more problems in different categories of life adjustment than overseas students. 7. According to the life adjustment, the high social-economic status students were best in different social-economic statuses, and they had more capability than the low social-economic status students in terms of achieving goal adjustment, social adjustment,academic adjustment, and emotional adjustment. Furthermore, in terms of academic adjustment and emotional adjustment, high social-economic status students were better adjusted than middle social-economic status students. 8. Social support and life adjustment showed a positive correlation, while emotional support displayed the greatest variance in different categories of life adjustment. 9. The demographic variables and social support variables were of predictability of life adjustment, and the emotional support, Faculty of Science and Technology were the most powerful.

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在瞭解澳門大學大一新生社會支持與生活適應之關係,並進一步探討不同性別、身份、學院、家庭社經在社會支持、生活適應的差異情形,以及背景變項和社會支持變項對生活適應的預測能力 本研究於2006年春季,以澳門大學大一新生爲研究對象,探取問卷調查方式,得到有效樣本625位。資料以皮爾森相關係數、t檢定、單因子變異數、多元迴歸等進行統計分析。綜合本研究之發現,歸納出下列結論: 一、大一新生獲取最多的社會支持方式爲訊息性支持,其次爲情緒性支持,最後爲工具性支持。家人爲訊息性支持和情緒性文持的主要來源;同儕烏工具性支持的主要來源。 二、大一新生其生活適應最好的依序焉目標適應、學業適應、社會適應、情緒適應。 三、女生比男生獲得較多的社會支持。不同院別在社會支持上有顯著差異,其中工商學院學生獲取的社會支持最多,法學院學生最少。外地生比本地生獲得較多的社會支持。不同家庭社經的學生,其獲取的社會支持達到顯著差異。 四、男生和女生的整體生活適應並沒有不同,但女生比男生獲得較多的社會適應。 五、工商學院學生較科技學院學生的整體生活適應優。 六、本地生較外地生之生活適應差。在不同向度的生活適應,本地生也比外地生的能力弱。 七、高家庭社經學生之生活適應最好。高社經家庭比低社經家庭在目標適應、社會適應、學業適應、情緒適應上較好。高社經家庭比中社經家庭在學業適應和情緒適應較好。 八、社會支持與生活適應呈正相關,其中情緒性支持與不個生活適應向度的相關度最高。 九、背景變項及社會支持變項對生活適應具有解釋力,其中以情緒性支持、科技學院的預測能力最強。

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Faculty of Education




College freshmen -- Macau -- Psychology

大專一年級學生 -- 澳門 -- 心理

College freshmen -- Macau -- Social networks

大專一年級學生 -- 澳門 -- 社交網絡

Adjustment (Psychology) in adolescence -- Macau

少年時期的的調節 (心理學) -- 澳門



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