
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

This study explored the impacts of family structure and students' perception of family relationship on students' deviant behaviour. Variables, gender and grade levels, are also considered in the study. Findings and suggestions based on the data are provided. The study was a survey research. The samples were selected from eight junior high schools in Macao and there were 879 students participating in this study. A pre-test was administered to improve the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. And the data was analyzed by SPSS statistic analysis software in terms of descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, T-test, One-way ANOVA,Pearson product-moment correlation, to test and verify the hypothesis; the result suggested the following findings: 1. There is no significant difference in family structure and in family relationship among the genders; 2. There was a statistically significant difference among different grades in family structure. Ninth grade students have the higher ratio of single-parent families; 3. There was a statistically significant difference among different grades in perception of family relationship. The ninth grade students’ perception of family relationship was the highest, and the second falls on the eighth grade students; 4. There is no significant difference in the deviation of their behaviour among the variables like the genders and the education back ground; 5. There is no significant difference in the family relationship among the junior students from the single parent families; 6. There is no significant difference in the deviation of the behaviour among the junior students from the different family structure; 7. There is no significant difference in the deviation of the behaviour among the junior students from different single parent families; 8. Family relationship has a great influence to students’ behaviour. Students have less deviant behaviour if their parents have better relationship among themselves. From the result mentioned above, the main reason to cause the deviation of behaviour of junior form students in Macau is family atmosphere. In addition, the lower form depends most. Apart from this, there is a high frequency of single parent family in junior 3 students’ level. My suggestion for the parents is to keep their eyes on their children when they are at their teen stage. It is not only about the changes in their bodies and the stress caused by their development but also about the effects caused by the structure and relationship changed in the families. Let them have their rights to voice out about their concern on family and to identify the value of themselves with the participations. For the school, I suggest that we may have more attention to Junior 3 students as the society is developing. First, the family structure, functions, and relationship keep changing day by day. Second, the Junior 3 students are facing the crisis of their elective subjects and getting high pressure from their studies. Those will bring them depressed and to have negative thoughts. So the Junior 3 class masters and the student counsellors need to keep eyes on them. Key Words : Macao, junior high school, family structure, family relationship, deviant behaviour

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在探討澳門初中年級學生家庭結構、家庭關係對對偏差行爲的影響與關聯,並以不同性別、不同年級之初中生來分別探討,同時依據研究結果提出相關之建議。 本研究是探用問卷調查法來進行資料蒐集,並以「家庭關係」·「偏差行爲」量表作為研究工具,並以澳門八所不同類型學校之初中年級學生進行施測,共取得879份有效問卷樣本,以描述性統計分析、t考驗、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關等方法,進行統計分析,研究發現如下: 一、不同性別的初中年級學生其「家庭結構」和「家庭關係」沒有顯著差異; 二·不同年級之初中生的家庭結構有顯著差異。中三年級有較高的單親比例; 三·不同年級之初中生其家庭關係具顯著差異性。愈高年級的家庭關係愈好; 四、不同變項的初中年級學生,其偏差行爲沒有顯著差異; 五、不同的單親家庭的初中年級學生其家庭關係沒有顯著差異; 六、不同家庭結構之初中年級學生其偏差行爲沒有顯著差異: 七、不同的單親家庭的初中年級學生其偏差行為沒有顯著差異: 八·初中生的整體家庭關係當中之父母關係與偏差行為有顯著負相關。 從研究結果得知,澳門的初中生之偏差行爲,主要與父母之間的相處方式較有關係,同時發現較低年級的學生較爲著重家庭關係的重要性,且中三年級的學生的單親比率較高。 建議父母在孩子升讀中學的關鍵時期,應多留注意他們身心上的變化,除了在學業上的壓力,家庭的任何變化同樣對他們造成影響,可以慢慢地讓他們在家庭討論中有所參與,肯定他們的存在:而學校方面對中三年級學生亦應多加留心,家庭結構的轉變,再加上面對升高中及選科的雙重壓力下,負面的情緒與非理性的想法隨之會增多,建議中三級的班導師及輔導人員要多加關懷。 關鍵字:澳門 初中生 家庭結構 家庭關係 偏差行爲

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Faculty of Education




Families -- Macau

家庭 -- 澳門

Juvenile delinquency -- Macau

青少年犯罪 -- 澳門

Conduct disorders in adolescence -- Macau

少年品行偏差 -- 澳門

Parent and teenager -- Macau

父母與少年子女 -- 澳門

Teenagers -- Counseling of -- Macau

少年人 -- 輔導 -- 澳門



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