
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

This study aimed at exploring the differences of the motivation, satisfaction and quality of life (QOL) in Senior high school students in Macao who, under the different background factors (gender, grade, body mass index - BMI), participating in recreational sports. The research was divided into two phases. The first phase was the pilot study. Questionnaires were distributed to each class (one class from each grade of Form 4 to Form 6) in the selected five high schools, and 164 valid questionnaires were obtained successfully. After item analysis, factor analysis and reliability test, a formal questionnaire was available. The second phase was used convenience sampling method to distribute the formal questionnaires to each class (two classed from each grades of Form 4 to Form 6) in the selected eight high schools), and a total of 1567 valid questionnaires were successfully received. The results showed that (A) around 80% of the students took part in recreational sports, but 20% of the students did not; male students with a normal BMI had a higher proportion of participation in recreational sports, but there was no significant difference from students in different grades. Male students had a higher proportion of participation in the medium and high level exercise of the recreational sports, but female students had a higher proportion of participation in the low level one. (B) The main recreational sports in which the senior high school students would like to participate were ball games and outdoor sports. The main reasons that they did not take part in recreational sports were no time and had not enough sports venues and equipments. (C) male students had a higher motivation than the female to participate in recreational sports. The motivation for good health was higher in Form 5 students than in Form 4, and BMI did not affect the motivation of recreational sports. (D) male students had higher scores than females in the recreation satisfactions with aesthetic, relaxing mood, psychology and physiology. Scores of social education and aesthetic in Form 6 students were higher than Form 4, and BMI did not affect the level of satisfaction with recreational sports. (E) male students had higher scores than the female in QOL and leisure dimension. Grades and BMI did not affect the evaluation of QOL. (F) The dimensitioins of motivation of recreational sports, satisfaction of exercise and QOL reached moderate relationships mostly. (G) The participation in recreational sports between motivation and satisfaction were positively and highly correlated, in the meanwhile, QOL and leisure physical activity were positively and lowly correlated. The results showed that the majority of Macao Senior high school students would like to participate in recreational sports and male students had a higher exercise frequency than the female. Gender and grades could affect the student's motivation and satisfaction to participate in recreational sports. Participation in recreational sports between motivation and satisfaction were positively and lowly correlated. The results suggest that it should be noted the characteristics of participation in recreational sport of the senior high school students in Macao, and higher motivation to participate in recreational sports would enhance to a certain extent QOL. Keywords: Recreational sports, Motivation, Satisfaction, Quality of life, Macao high school students

Chinese Abstract

澳門高中學生休閒運動參與動機、滿意度與生活品質之研究 摘要 本研究旨在探討不同背景因素下(性別、年級、BMI 體重指數)的高中學生休閒運動參與動機、休閒運動滿意度及生活品質的差異以及它們之間的相關情形。研究分為兩個階段,階段一為預測階段,選取5間高中各一個班派發問卷,回收164份有效問卷,經項目分析、因素分析及信度分析後,確定正式測量問卷。階段二運用考擦後的問卷,以方便抽樣的方法,選取澳門8間中學高中各二個班發放問卷,共得到1587份有效問卷。結果發現:(一)、大約80%的學生參與運動,20%的學生不參與休閒運動,男學生、BMI 正常者,參與休閒運動比例較高;不同年級學生,參與休閒運動的比例沒有明顯差異。(二)、高中學生參與的休閒運動,以球類和戶外運動為主,不參與休閒運動的原因主要是無時間及無場地器材。(三)、男同學休閒運動參與動機強於女同學;高二學生休閒運動參與動機之身心健康構面得分高於高一學生;BMI 等級不影響休閒運動參與動機。(四)、男生在休閒滿意度之美感、放鬆心情及心理生理3個構面高於女同學;高三學生社會教育及美感構面得分高於高一學生;BMI 登記不影響休閒運動滿意度。(五)、男生生活品質之生理與休閒維度得分高於女生;年級及BMI等級不影響生活品質的評價。(六)、休閒運動參與動機各向度之間、休閒運動滿意度各構面之間、生活品質各維度基本達中度相關。(七)、休閒運動參與動機與休閒運動滿意度高度正相關,與生活品質及休閒運動量呈低度正相關。結果說明:多數澳門高中學生參與休閒運動,且男生運動量高於女生;性別、年級在一定程度上影響休閒運動的參與動機及滿意度,休閒運動參與動機與滿意度高度相關,休閒運動參與動機及滿意度與生活品質呈低度正相關。結果提示:應該留意澳門高中學生參與休閒運動的特點,休閒運動參與動機越強,滿意度越高,休閒運動參與可在一定程度上提升生活品質。關鍵詞:澳門高中學生、休閒運動、動機、滿意度、生活品質

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Faculty of Education




Physical education and training -- Macau

體育教育及訓練 -- 澳門

Sports -- Psychological aspects

體育 -- 心理方面





High school students -- Macau

高中學生 -- 澳門



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