
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

Motivation is an important area in psychology and has been concerned by psychologists. However, there are few studies about sport motivation of elite athletes in Macao. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationships among independence, competence, sport motivation and withdrawal intention as well as the prediction of withdrawal intention in Macao elite athletes. 278 representatives of the Macao team were invited to participate in this study. The main results were showed as follows. 1. Macao athletes have higher competence and withdrawal intention but lower independence, interval motivation, internal adjustment, external adjustment, identification adjustment and amotivation. 2. There are significant differences of gender, identification and training time on independence, identification adjustment, internal motivation and withdrawal intention. Males have higher independence and external adjustment, middle-school students have higher scores than college students in internal motivation, middle-school and non-students have higher internal motivation than college students. The withdrawal intention of the athletes who train over 12 hours per week is significantly stronger than the athletes who train 6.1-12 hours per week. 3. It was found that independence and competence had positive correlation with internal motivation, but had negative correlation with amotivation. 4. There are positive correlations between training years and withdrawal intention and negative correlation between independence and withdrawal intention. 5. There are negative correlations between withdrawal intention and internal motivation. Positive correlations between withdrawal intention and amotivation, external adjustment, identification adjustment, in which, correlation coefficient of latter is bigger than the former. 6. Background factors, independence, competence and sport training motivation altogether could predict withdrawal intention of sport training effectively, and amotivation has the highest predictive power. Keywords: Macao elite athletes, sport motivation, withdrawal intention, independence, competence

Chinese Abstract

摘要 動機作為心理學中一個重要研究項目,是目前心理學家關注的課題之一,在澳門,針對澳門運動員運動動機的研究仍極為缺乏。本研究以探討澳門優秀運動員自主性、勝任感、運動動機、及退出意圖之間的相關關係、以及它們相互之間的預測情形為目的,以278名澳門優秀運動員為對象作出了調查,結果發現:(一)澳門運動員有相對較低的自主性、內在動機、內在調節、外在調節、認同調節和無動機,但有較高的勝任感及退出意圖。(二)自主性及運動外在動機之認同調節存在顯著的性別差異;中學生自主性得分高於大學生,中學生及非學生參加訓練的內在動機明顯高於大學生;週訓練時數超過12小時的運動員退出意圖顯著高於週訓練時數在 6.1 - 12 小時的運動員。(三)自主性和勝任感與內在動機呈正相關,與無動機呈負相關。(四)澳門運動員的訓練年限與運動訓練退出意圖存在正向關係;自主性與運動訓練退出意圖存在負向關係。(五)澳門優秀運動員的運動訓練退出意圖與內在動機成負相關,與無動機、外在調節和認同調節存在正向關係。(六)當背景因素、自主性、勝任感及運動訓練動機共同對運動訓練退出意圖作預測的時候,能較有效地預測運動員的退出意圖,其中以無動機的預測力最高。 關鍵詞:澳門優秀運動員、運動動機、退出意圖、自主性、勝任感

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Faculty of Education




Physical education and training -- Macau

體育教育及訓練 -- 澳門

Athletes -- Macau

運動員 -- 澳門

Sports -- Psychological aspects

體育 -- 心理方面



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