
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

Abstract The integration of theory and practice is a great concern in computer instructions, in which students are required to solve different issues in their daily lives by applying information technology. However, through instructions, the researcher finds that students always consider learning computer technique as an operational subject. Students believe, as long as they firmly remember every operation step the teacher instructed and finish all the assignment, they can accomplish the study goal. Therefore, students may limit their study to the classroom only, instead of connecting their study with their daily lives, and their creativity surely will be bound. The researcher would like to introduce the collaborative project-based instruction method into the teaching and thereby analyzes if students’ study effect can be advanced. The researcher adopts the standard experiment research method in this research and applies this research to students from four classes of the third grade of the junior high school. In the content of this research, the researcher devises four instruction plans (2 months respectively) including traditional teaching with individual study method, traditional teaching with group study method, traditional teaching with Project-based learning method, constructive teaching with Project-based learning, for the subject of webpage design. In which, adapted computer-using attitude measurement, webpage design assessment adopted as the measuring device. The Means Report,Paired-samples t-test, ANCOVA and interviews are used for the analysis. The purpose of this research is, through applying the collaborative project-based study in computer teaching, to analyze if students'study attitude can be progressed and if their study achievements can be advanced. Through the experiments and the data analysis, the conclusion is as follows: 1. By comparing the four different teaching methods, it is found that, by applying the constructive teaching with Project-based learning, student using computers’attitude cannot be advanced significantly, but obviously, their confidence in using computer can be advanced significantly. 2. By comparing the four different teaching methods, it is found that, by applying the constructive teaching with Project-based learning, students’webpage design study effect can be advanced most significantly. 3. Among the four different teaching methods, only the constructive teaching with Project-based leaming students’computer attitude and webpage design study effects are directly interrelated. Keywords: Project-based learning; computer teaching; computer-using attitude, webpage design study effects.

Chinese Abstract

摘要 電腦教學注重理論知識與實際操作相結合,要求學生懂得運用資訊科技來解決生活中的不同問題。但在研究者的教學中發現,學生往往認為電腦科是一門操作性的學科,只要牢固地記下老師所教授的操作步驟,然後把老師所安排的練習完成,便能達到學習目標。這樣學生的學習便只能局限於課堂內,且較少與日常生活的問題接軌,從而局限了他們的創意性。故此,研究者希望引入專題研習教學方法進行教學,探討學生能否提升學習成效。 在本研究當中,研究者探用了準實驗研究法進行研究,且使用了初三級四個班的學生作研究對象。而在研究內容方面,研究者設計了四種分別爲期兩個月的網頁設計教學方案進行實地教學,其中包括傳統教學個別學習、傳統教學小組學習、傳統教學專題研習、建構教學專題研習。此外,研究者探用了改編使用電腦態度量表、網頁設計評鑑表作測量工具,且運用不均數分析、成對t檢驗分析、共變數分析、訪談的方法作分析。研究目的旨在探討專題研習運用於電腦科的教學上,能否改善學生的電腦學習態度;提升學生的網頁設計成績。 經過了實驗研究以及數據分析後,得出以下結論: 1.在四種不同教學方法的比較下,建構教學專題研習未能顯著地提高學生使用的電腦態度,但能顯著地提高學生使用電腦的信心。 2.在四種不同教學方法的比較下,建構教學專題研習能顯著地提高學生的學習網頁設計成效。 3.在四種不同的教學方法中,只有建構教學專題研習的學生之使用電腦態度與學習網頁設計成效之間存在顯著的正相關。 關鍵詞:專題研習、電腦教學、使用電腦態度、學習網頁設計成效

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Faculty of Education




Computer-assisted instruction


Project method in teaching


Web sites -- Design

網站 -- 設計



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