
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

As we all know, education in Macao has its own characteristics. However, little research work has been found in the local science education, let alone science teacher education. This study investigated what science teachers think and do in their teaching practices in Macao with the intention of providing evidence for teacher education researchers and policy-makers. A combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods has been adopted in this study. 130 questionnaires were collected from science teachers of secondary schools in order to probe into their teaching beliefs and teaching practices. And then individual interviews with six science teachers were conducted to verify the credibility of the findings in questionnaire survey and to reveal the hidden factors. Data analyses of the questionnaire and interviews reveal that (1) Teachers’ teaching beliefs focus on various teaching objectives including laboratory instruction; (2) Most of the teaching models, teaching methods and students’ achievement evaluation are knowledge-based, however, laboratory work is disregarded and seldom be employed to evaluate student's achievement; and (3) There is discrepancy between teachers’ teaching beliefs and practices, which might be caused by society, parents, students, schools and teachers. In according with the findings, some suggestions have been made to local education bureau, teacher training institutes, schools, practicing teachers, and later investigators with the hope of diminishing this inconsistency in the future.

Chinese Abstract

人所共知,澳門的教育有其獨特性,但針對澳門的理科教育尤其是理科教師教育的研究卻少之又少。本研究的目的是調查澳門理科教師的所思所爲,爲教師教育研究和相關政策的制定提供依據。本研究探用量化研究和質性研究相結合的研究方式。首先,以問卷調查130名中學理科教師的教學觀念與教學實踐的情 況,然後再與六位理科教師進行深入訪談,以探明問卷調查結果的真確性,並深入瞭解每件事情背後的原因。問卷調查和訪談相結合得出以下結論:(1)教師的教學觀念兼顧各方面的教學目標,而且重視實驗教學;(2)教師較多應用偏重知識的教學模式、教學方法和評價方式,較少應用實驗的方式進行教學和評價;(3)教師的教學觀念和教學實踐之間存在差異,社會、家長、學生、學校和教師等因素導致差異的產生。針對本研究的發現,研究者向本地教育當局、師資培育機構、學校、教師和後續研究提出了建議,希望對改善理科教師的教學觀念和教學實踐有所幫助。

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Faculty of Education




Science teachers -- Macau -- Attitudes

科學教師 -- 澳門 -- 態度

Science -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Macau

科學 -- 學習及教學 (高中) -- 澳門



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