
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The purposes of this study were to investigate the English learning attitude of the Form one students in Macao, and to determine the correlation analysis of six indexes of learning attitude. Specifically, the study attempted to determine the differences in Macao Form one students’English learning attitude attributable to gender, attending different types of school [Chinese school (Chinese section) / English school (English section)] and students' different self concepts of their English academic results. The method used in this research is survey research. The questionnaires were delivered to 785 Form one students who were attending Macao private schools. All questionnaires are valid and the return rate is 100%. According to this research, the following conclusions are made: 1. On the whole, the English learning attitude of Form one students is average. Among the six aspects, English learning motivation and the English learning attitude toward English course are more positive comparatively. The English learning attitudes toward English teachers, self-directed learning English situation, English teaching methods and English homework are average. 2. The English learning attitudes toward English course, English homework, English teachers, English teaching methods, self-directed learning English situation and English learning motivation are related positively. The English learning motivation and the other five aspects of English learning attitude are least related, meanwhile, the other five aspects of English learning attitude are highly related relatively. 3. There is no significant difference in the English learning attitudes toward English course, English homework, English teaching methods, self-directed learning English situation and overall English learning attitude among Macao Form one students attending different types of schools. There is significant difference in the aspects of English teachers and English learning motivation. The students attending Chinese school (Chinese section) have more positive learning attitude toward English teachers than the students attending Chinese school (Chinese section). The students attending English school (English section) have more positive English learning motivation than the students attending Chinese school (Chinese section). 4. There is significant difference among the 6 indexes of English learning attitude and the overall English learning attitude between the male students and the female students. Female students have better English learning attitude than male students in all aspects. 5. There is significant difference among the 6 indexes of English learning attitude and the overall English learning attitude among students having different self-concept of English academic results. Students with English academic result above the average have better English learning attitude than students with average English academic results. Students with average English academic results have better English learning attitude than students with English academic results below average. Finally, based on the findings, some suggestions for the educational authorities, school teachers, and further studies are recommended in the study. Keywords: Macao Form one students, learning attitude, English learning attitude.

Chinese Abstract

本研究的主要目的是探討目前澳門初一學生英語學習態度的現況,英語學習態度六個層面的相互關係以及瞭解不同性別、就讀不同學校類別(即中文學校(中 文部)/英文學校(英文部))、對自己英語成績具不同觀感的澳門初一學生的英語學習態度是否存在差異及其差異情況。 本研究的對象為澳門私立學校初一學生,探用調查研究法,以問卷作為研究工具,由研究者親自聯絡學校的校長、主任及教師,向4間中文學校(中文部) 和4間英文學校(英文部)的學生派出問卷785份,回收率100%。據此進行實證研究,最後得到以下的結論: 1. 澳門初一學生的「整體英語學習態度」屬普通。在各層面中,以「英語學習動機」和「對學校英語課程的態度」較為積極正面,而「對英語教師的態度」、「自我導向學習英語的態度」、「對英語教法的態度」、「對英語作業的態度」均屬普通。 2.澳門初一學生的「對學校英語課程的態度」、「對英語作業的態度」、「對英語教師的態度」、「對英語教法的態度」、「自我導向學習英語的態度」與「英語學習動機」彼此之間皆呈顯著正相關,其中「英語學習動機」與其他態度層面相關性較低,而其餘五個態度層面之間的相關性較高。 3.不同類別學校的澳門初一學生在「對英語教師的態度」和「英語學習動機」 有顯著差異,其中「英語學習動機」方面,英文學校(英文部)學生較中文 學校(中文部)學生積極,而「對英語教師的態度」方面則相反,中文學校 (中文部)學生較英文學校(英文部)學生積極。至於在「對學校英語課程的態度」、「對英語作業的態度」、「對英語教法的態度」、「自我導向學習英語的態度」及「整體英語學習態度」均無顯著差異。 4.不同性別的澳門初一學生在六個英語學習態度層面和整體英語學習態度均有顯著差異,當中女生的態度較男生積極。 5.對自己英語成績具不同觀感的澳門初一學生在六個英語學習態度層面和整體英語學習態度均有顯著差異,當中英語成續高於水平的學生的態度較一般水平的學生積極,而一般水平的學生則較低於水平的學生積極。 關鍵字:澳門初一學生、學習態度、英語學習態度。

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Faculty of Education




English language -- Study and teaching (Middle school)

英語 -- 學習及教學 (高級小學至初級中學)

English language -- Study and teaching -- Chinese speakers

英語 -- 學習及教學 -- 漢語人士

Junior high school students -- Macau -- Attitudes

初級中學學生 -- 澳門 -- 態度



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