UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
- English Abstract
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The experiment-based dynamic math teaching is an instruction model which enables students to acquire knowledge through personal operation and reflection with the aid of information technology. This study aims at investigating the effectiveness of the experiment-based dynamic teaching method on secondary students’ math teaching. A quasi-experiment was conducted to compare the students’ achievements and cognitive load (CL) between the traditional teaching and experiment-based dynamic teaching groups. This study is conducted to investigate the following research questions: 1. Is the experiment-based dynamic teaching method more effective than the traditional teaching method for secondary students? 2. Do the students have lower cognitive load (CL) in the experiment-based dynamic math teaching than in the traditional teaching? And this study reached following results: 1.On student's math learning achievements Based on their original performance level, medium performance students in the experimental group got higher math scores than the control group, while high and low performance students got lower than the control group. And high performance students got greater decrease math scores. There is no significant difference in math achievements between the experiment group and control group. The experimental group got higher increase in math achievements than the control group. 2. On student's self-reporting cognitive loads Both the experiment group and control group claimed an increased Cognitive Load in the second stage of the experiment-based teaching. At the first stage of teaching, the medium performance students got greatest difference in the average of CL; at the second stage of teaching, the low performance students got greatest difference in the average of CL. There is no significant difference on CL between the experiment and control groups. However, the experiment group claimed lower CL than the control group. Combining the CL results with the students’ achievements, it can be concluded that traditional teaching is more suitable for the high performance students, while the experiment-based dynamic math teaching is more suitable for the medium performance students in a short term view. It can also become suitable for the low performance students if the were familiar with the software tools. Keywords: Dynamic Mathematic Geometric Software PG_Lab, Enquiry Learning, Math Performance, Cognitive Load
- Chinese Abstract
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近年來,隨著資訊科技融入教學理論和實踐的逐步深入,認知負荷理論也逐漸成爲課程與教學一個熱點研究領域。此外隨著動態幾何系列軟体逐漸被廣大師生所接受并使用,它在教學中越來越發揮其強大的作用。動態數學實驗教學是運用資訊科技,讓學生通過觀察、操作、思考,去自主獲取知識的一種教學方式,是資訊科技融入學科教學重要而現實的課題。本文以認知負荷理論爲指導,意在探討使用動態幾何軟体PG_Lab教學對初中學生數學學習成就和認知負荷的影響。 本研究的主要目的是比較學生運用“動態數學軟體PG_Lab探究式基本概念學習”與“傳統講述式教學”對初中二年級學生學習“四邊形及其性質”的成效及認知負荷的影響,希望爲中學數學幾何教學提供有益參考和建議。 本研究採用準實驗研究法,選取澳門某中學初中二年級兩班學生爲研究對象,以初二幾何平行四邊形單元爲教學主題,進行爲期兩周的實驗教學。 其中第一周為第一階段的學習,第二周爲第二階段的學習。實驗組運用 PG_Lab 動態幾何軟体爲平臺進行學生動手操作的探究式學習;控制組運用傳統講授進行教學。本研究以學校開發之“改編測試題”为工具,對學生學習成績進行評量,並同時以“認知負荷自陳量表”為研究工具來測評學習者的主觀報告認知負荷。經SPSS 15.0軟体對實驗數據做描述性統計、t考驗及 共變數分析其結果,獲致如下之結論。 一,學生數學學習成績方面 1. 在學生原有水平基礎上,實驗組中分群學生成續高於控制組,實驗組高分群和低分群學生成績低於控制組,其中高分群學生成績降低幅度較大。 2. 實驗組與控制組學生整體數學學習成績沒有顯著差異,其中成績提高幅度以實驗組高於控制組。 二、學生學習主觀報告的認知負荷方面 1. 實驗組和控制組學習者的認知負荷在實驗教學後期均有所增加。第 一階段學習後,中分群學生平均值差異最大;第二階段學習後,低分群學生平均值差異最大· 2. 實驗組與控制組主觀報告認知負荷之平均值沒有顯著差異。認知負荷平均數實驗組低於控制組,即實驗組學生報告了較低的認知負荷。 結合四次測試成績與認知負荷分析結果,說明PG_Lab軟體支持下的數學探究式學習在短期內對中分組學生理解知識和幫助較大;在相對較長期來看對低分組學生有幫助;高分組學生則更適合接受傳統教學法。 關鍵字:動態幾何軟体PG_Lab,探究式學習,學習成績,認知負荷
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Geometry, Plane -- Study and teaching (Middle school)
平面幾何學 -- 學習及教學 (高級小學至初級中學)
Computer-assisted instruction -- Macau
電腦輔助教學 -- 澳門
Cognitive learning theory
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991003632369706306