
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

After Macao was handed over to China in 1999, the Macao SAR had invested a large amount of money in the development of vocational training and stimulated a significant growth in the number of participants in public vocational training. However people still had different opinions about the effectiveness of the vocational training. The objective of this study is to assess the quality of the public vocational training in Macao.Base on the Layer Model which proposed by the European Center for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP), this study attempts to investigate and analyze Macao's public vocational training from five aspects: policy and implementation, institution, course program, teacher/trainer and Student/pupil/trainee. Following conclusions and recommendations were derived from this study; Conclusions: 1. The policy and implementation of the public vocational training can fulfill the training needs of the society; also there is an adequate balance among training provisions. However, an incentive mechanism to effectively promote continuing education needs to be built. 2. Institutions have achieved the desired results of training plans and provided adequate number of training courses. However, a motivational system for staff and a quality assurance scheme are yet to be built by institutions offering vocational training. 3. Not only had the contents and methods of these training courses appropriately designed, they had also met the training needs of the workforce. However, there is still a lack of system to evaluate the trainees’ satisfaction. 4. Teachers had adequate professional skills and qualifications, but the evaluation system of teacher performance were only made by the institutions themselves. 5. Students were adequately prepared for the professional qualifications needed and strongly motivated to participate in the training courses, and training courses can meet students' needs for employment. Suggestions: 1. To establish a systematic mechanism for reviewing the vocational training policy and the effectiveness of outcomes; 2. To expedite the establishment and implementation of a “skill evaluation system”; 3. To establish a systematic mechanism for assessing vocational training institutions and courses; 4. To motivate teachers to stay informed of new skills and knowledge; 5. To establish a trainee-feedback system Keywords: vocational training, quality assessment

Chinese Abstract

自1999年澳門回歸以來,特區政府投放了不少的財政資源於職業培訓之發展中,參與公共職業培訓的人數大幅增加。然而,對於近年職業培訓的發展路向與成效,社會上有著不同的意見。本研究旨在對近年所實施之公共職業培訓進行質量評估。本研究會利用歐洲職業培訓發展中心(CEDEFOP)之LAYER MODEL,從政策與執行、職業培訓機構、課程計劃、職訓導師、以及培訓學員五個層面進行深入探討與分析澳門的公共職業培訓。得到下列結論與建議: 結論: 1、公共職業培訓之政策與執行能滿足社會培訓需求,亦能達致資源分配平衡,唯至今仍未建立有效的鼓勵持續進修機制。 2、 公共職業培訓機構能有效實現培訓目標,並能爲社會提供充裕的培訓課程,但對職業培訓機構員工之持續進修激勵機制及質量管理程序則欠缺規範。 3、課程計劃既有合適的教學內容與方法,同時亦能滿足個人培訓需求,唯對於學員滿意度之測量則缺乏相關的評估機制。 4、職教師資均具有專業的知識及經驗,唯對導師表現的評量由機構自主。 5、 對培訓學員能提供專業資格及充足的鼓勵措施,亦能滿足學員就業之需要。 建議: 1、建立職業培訓政策定期檢討與成效評估機制 2、加快技能鑒定制度之實施與推行 3、 設立職訓機構及課程計劃評審機制 4、鼓勵職業培訓導師更新技能與知識 5、設立學員反饋之質量評估機制 關鍵詞:職業培訓、質量評估

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Faculty of Education




Occupational training -- Macau

職業培訓 -- 澳門

Occupational training -- Macau -- Evaluation

職業培訓 -- 澳門 -- 評價

Vocational education -- Macau -- Evaluation

職業教育 (正規教育) -- 澳門 -- 評價



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