
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

Tai-Chi Chun is regarded as a national sport in China. As such, the teaching of Tai-Chi Chun has special meaning to the national development of Chinese. It is also included in the curriculum of physical education as a compulsory subject in China. Although Macau returns to China in 1999, the national sport of Tai-Chi Chun is just regarded as a selective subject. In fact, not many schools attempt to teach Tai-chi in physical education lesson. Even though if this subject is taught, it follows the traditional method and skills teaching form the major part in learning. This is also regarded as the main reason for not motivating students to take this subject. The lack of innovative methods fails to attract students to learn. The innovative method in Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) is regarded as the new initiative to develop students’ interest in sport through physical activities. This paper compares the traditional method in teaching Tai-Chi Chun with TGfU. Methods such as literature review, questionnaire survey and comparative studies are adopted for data collection. The participants are Tai-Chi Chun students studying at the undergraduate level in university. Investigation confirms the observation that games model is more effective to develop students interest in Tai-Chi Chun when compare with the traditional method. Students exhibit more effective development in self-image, confidence in learning and more willing to conduct the exercise during private time. The use of TGfU opens a new way in teaching Tai-Chi Chun and expects to achieve a new perspective for teachers to follow. Keywords : Teaching Games for Understanding(TGfU), Traditional teaching, Tai-Chi Chun, Modular Teaching. Contact: Lai Iam Fong Address: Rua Dos Estalagens No. 95 Edf. Hang Fai 2 andar A Tel: (853) 6650 1809, (853) 2831 5235 or

Chinese Abstract

太極拳是中國固有的民族傳統體育活動,有廣泛的社會基礎。在內地,太極拳一向被列爲學校體育的必修項目,而在澳門地區,雖然武術運動開展的比較好,太極拳項目在本澳公開的和國際的比赛中屢獲殊榮,但作爲學校體育教學,它只被列為選修課程,大多學校沒有教授這一運動項目,也沒有穩定的教學模式。澳門長久以來一直沿用以往的傳統教學法,教學中偏重於動作技術,存在教學過程枯燥單調,學生的學習熱情下降,教學效果未如理想等問題,令太極拳運動在澳門學校的發展沉悶不振。 眾所周知,「領會教學」爲球類教學帶來了新的活力,而對太極拳的教學能否同樣有效?本研究通過問卷調查、訪談、教學觀察、數據分析對兩班大專學生進行研究,用領會教學的概念、遊戲模式設計太極拳單元教學,並就傳統太極拳教學與領會太極拳教學進行比較,從實驗觀察中發現,傳統太極拳教學對發展及訓練學生的運動技能上,其作用是不容置疑的,但領會太極拳單元教學較易提高學生對太極拳運動的興趣、認知及培養自信心表現的能力,形成自覺鍛煉的習慣與終身體育接軌,更能符合現代體育教學的要求。希望本研究的結果,能爲澳門學校太極拳運動的進一步開展與深化提供全新的視野與實施途徑,同時也為澳門有關方面提供借鑒。 關鍵詞:領會教學,傳統教學,太極拳,單元教學. 聯絡人:黎任芳 地址:澳門,草堆街,95號,恆輝大廈,A2 電話:(853)66501809,(853)28315235 電郵:ksm95@macau.ctm.net或

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Faculty of Education




Tai chi


Tai chi -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Macau

太極 -- 學習及教學 (高等) -- 澳門

Physical education and training -- Macau

體育教育及訓練 -- 澳門



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