
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The purpose of this study is to investigate the present job stress and its coping strategy for the teachers of Physical Education (PE) of Macao Primary and Middle schools. One hundred fifty-four PE teachers of Primary and Middle schools were recruited and a self-designed questionnaire “Job stress of PE teachers in Macao Primary and Middle schools scale” was used as the research tool. Independent sample t-test, One-way ANOVA Variance Analysis and Pearson Product-moment Correlation were adopted to analyze the data. The results showed that: 1. the PE teachers of Macao Primary and Middle schools perceived slight high job stress of middle level which was mainly from “Laws and Regulations". The most used way to cope job stress were“Solving Problems”and“Recreation Activity"; 2. the teachers with shorter accumulated teaching years lower educated and income had higher job stress. For coping strategy of job stress, there were significant differences among different teachers in age and marriage; 3. participating in exercise outside school could decrease the job stress of PE teachers of Macao Primary and Middle schools and use positive attitude to solve problems. Moderate exercise could decrease “Laws and Regulations” and did not “Escape problems”; 4. all stress strategies had positive correlation with job stress except “Recreation Activity”. The results suggest, even for PE teachers of Primary and Middle Schools should do moderate exercise outside schools as the ways of recreation and stress loss. Key Words : Macao, Primary and Middle School, PE teachers, Job stress, Coping strategy.

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在瞭解澳門中小學體育教師的感受工作壓力,及其所使用的因應方式的現況。以154名澳門中小學任教的體育教師為研究對象,以自行設計的澳門中小學體育教師壓力調査問卷為測量工具進行調查。根據調查結果以獨立樣本t考驗、單因數變異數分析等統計方法對測量結果加以分析。 研究結果如下: 一、澳門中小學體育教師受到中度偏高程度的工作壓力,壓力主要來自法令約束及專業成長;澳門中小學體育教師在使用因應方式上,較常使用解決問題及休閒活動的因應方式; 二、在工作壓力感受上,不同“年资”、“學歷”、“收入”及“不同運動強度”的澳門中小學體育教師均存在顯著差異;在壓力因應方式上,不同“年齡”、“婚姻狀 況”和“是否參與課外運動”的澳門中小學體育教師存在較為顯著差異; 三、參與課外運動可降低中小學體育教師的專業成長方面的工作壓力,並能以積極的態度解決問題而非逃避問題;適宜運動量的運動可降低法令約束方面的壓力,而且在壓力處理上不逃避問題; 四、在工作壓力和因應方式上,只有休閒活動和各壓力層面沒有出現正相關,而其他的因應方式與各壓力層面均出現一個或以上的正相關。 結果說明澳門中小學體育教師遇有工作壓力時,會採取較積極的態度來面對壓力,參與課外運動、進行適宜運動量的運動有助於中小學體育教師降低工作壓力,是澳門體育教師應該探用的減壓方式之一。結果提示,即使從事體育教學的體育教師也有需要採用做運動作爲休閒和減壓方式。 關鍵詞:澳門、中小學、體育教師、工作壓力、因應方式

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Faculty of Education




Physical education teachers -- Job stress -- Macau

體育教師 -- 工作壓力 -- 澳門

Primary school teachers -- Job stress -- Macau

初級小學教師 -- 工作壓力 -- 澳門

High school teachers -- Job stress -- Macau

高中教師 -- 工作壓力 -- 澳門



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