
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The purpose of this study was to investigate the current situation of sense of belonging at school of fifteen-year-old students in Macau. Related factors, including retention experience, value of school learning, teacher-student relationship, and family educational resources were also investigated. Using the data collected from the Student's Questionnaire by the Programme for International Student Assessment 2003 which conducted by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1250 students from thirty-nine middle schools in Macau reported their sense of belonging at school in this study. Descriptive statistics, point bi-serial correlation, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's product-moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis were applied to analyze data. The results indicate that there were differences between three subscales of sense of belonging,「I feel like I belong」 got the lowest point. And there was significant negative correlation between retention experience and sense of belonging. In addition, there were differences in students’ sense of belonging between groups of “retain twice or more” and “no retain.” On the other hand, there were significant positive correlation between value of school learning, teacher-student relationship, family educational resources and students’sense of belonging at school. Lastly, value of school learning, teacher-student relationship, and family educational resources made significant contribution to predict students’sense of belonging at school. Finally, discussions regarding assessment of sense of belonging at school and its related factors base on the research findings were included. Keywords: sense of belonging at school, retention experience, value of school learning, teacher-student relationship, family educational resources, OECD, PISA

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在探究澳門十五歲青少年對學校歸屬感的發展現況以及重讀次數、對對學校的態度、師生關係、家庭教育資源與學生對學校歸屬感的關係。 本研究採用2003年經濟合作發展組織(OECD)策劃的學生能力國際評估計劃(PISA)其中「學生問卷」部分的數據,研究對象為來自澳門三十九所學校的 1250名十五歲中學生,以描述統計、點二系列相關統計、單因子變異數分析、積差相關分析及多元逐步迴歸分析等方法來考驗各項假設。 研究主要發現澳門十五歲學生對學校歸屬感各三個類型题目得分有差異,其中以「我對學校有歸屬感」题目得分最低。另外,學生重讀次數與學校歸屬感呈顯著負相關,其中重讀次數為「兩次或以上」的與「沒有重讀」組存在顯著差異。 相反地,對學校的態度、師生關係及家庭教育資源都與學校歸屬感呈現顯著正相關。然後我們發現,對學校的態度、師生關係及家庭教育資源三個因素能有效预測學生對學校的歸屬感。 最後,本研究根據上述結果,分別就歸屬感評量原則及其相關因素進行多方面的討論。 關鍵詞:對學校歸屬感、重讀次數、對學校的態度、師生關係、家庭教育資源、 OECD、PISA

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Huang, Xiao Ling


Faculty of Education




Motivation in education -- Macau

教育中的推動力 -- 澳門

Teacher-student relationships -- Macau

師生關係 -- 澳門

Learning, Psychology of


High school students -- Macau

高中學生 -- 澳門



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