
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

This thesis probes into and analyses the relationship between Macau teachers with different backgrounds (age, sex, education qualification, working experience, salary, school scale and school type) and job retention and attrition; as well as analyses the major element which affects Macau teachers' retention and attrition. This research adopts the method of surveying. Studying 379 targets of primary and secondary teachers and by using chi-square test in statistical software to arrange and analyse data, the following results and suggestions are obtained: I. Results of the research: 1. There is a remarkable difference in job retention and attrition due to Macau teachers' age and working experience. 2. There is no remarkable difference in job retention and attrition due to Macau teachers' sex, salary and school scale. 3. There is a difference in job retention and attrition due to Macau teachers' eduacation qualification and school tyoe. 4. The first reason for Macau teachers to retain their posts is organizational atmosphere; while the first reason for Macau teachers to shift their jobs from school to school is salary and welfare. Teachers who retain their posts and teachers who shift their jobs from school to school both think that the promotion system has the least effect upon retention.

Chinese Abstract

本論文以探討和分析不同背景(年齡、性別、學歷、年資、薪資、學校規模和學校類型)的澳門教師與留任的異同,並分析影響教師留任與否的原因為何。本研究採用調查研究法,以379位澳門中、小學教師為研究對象,用SPSS統計軟件中的卡方檢驗(Chi-square test)處理數據和分析,得出下列研究結果和建議。 一. 研究結果: 1. 澳門教師年齡和年資都與留任與否有顯著差異。 2. 澳門教師性別、薪資和學校規模皆與留任與否沒有顯著差異。 3. 澳門教師學歷和學校類型都與留任與否有差異。 4. 影響澳門教師留任首要的原因是組織氣氛,而影響教師轉校首要的原因是薪資福利。留任和轉校教師皆認為晉升機制對留任與否影響最少。 二. 建議: 根據研究結果,本研究提出如下建議: 1. 學校行政人員宜注意組織氣氛,關懷教師,支持教師; 2. 學校應建立教師成長團體,「以老帶新」,幫助新教師解決問題; 3. 教師應注重在職進修,提高競爭力,提高自身地位; 5. 拉近公立學校和私立學校的薪金距離; 6. 設立教師晉升制; 7. 改善教師待遇,改善明存實無的醫療制度,設立退休金制度; 8. 提高教師的社會地位,形成尊師重教的社會風氣。

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Faculty of Education




Teacher turnover -- Macau

教師流失 -- 澳門

Teachers' backgrounds -- Macau

教師的背景 -- 澳門

Teachers -- Macau

教師 -- 澳門



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