
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

This research was a case study and followed through a series of group of music activity. Researcher used nonparticipant observation, informal interview to assist the qualitative data, The main purpose was to iinderstand the changing of Autistic. The study filed in this research was the workshop of early intervention program for children in Macau. During three months research, researcher proceeded group of music activity one times a week, there were totally 24 times and each time lasting 45minutes. The object in this research was identified as Autism student in Hospital Conde S. Januário. The instrument in this study was assessment of “Children Activity Level”. And also, researcher collected objects attention behavior that occurred in number of times and frequency. The results of this study described as follows. The research findings includes: 1. the quantitative analysis. (1) the score in assessment of teacher used “Children Activity Level” was decreased after music activity. The score in assessment of parent used “Children Activity Level” was one decreased and the same score for two parents. (2) after involving the music activity, the objects inattention behavior that occurred in number of times was decreased. 2. The qualitative analysis. (1) after involving the music activity, selective attention, divided attention and sustain attention of the children were promoted. (2) after activity, the children’s problem behavior were relatively lower than before. Finally, the researcher hoped that the results of this study can help parents and special education teacher to assist Autism children learning and development. Key words: Autism; Attention Behavior; group of music activity

Chinese Abstract

本研究是研究者透過一系列團體音樂活動,並使用非參與式觀察、非正式訪 談,再輔量化和質性之描述性資料以家長及教師,以瞭解自閉症兒童其注意力行為改變之個案研究。此次研究是以澳門新口岸宣道堂社會服務中心轄下的「 音樂活動工作坊 」作為研究的場域,並得到該工作坊負責人的允許,進入活動當中進行研究,並與音樂工作坊導師協同設計教案,並實施每週一次,每次45分鐘,為期三個月,共十二節之團體音樂活動。三位個案需經仁伯爵醫院(山頂醫院)心智發育科進行評估為自閉症,並經「兒童自閉程度評量表」篩選後,在十位參與團體音樂活動的自閉症兒童中,分層隨機抽出分別為輕、中、重度的自閉症兒童各一位,年齡需介乎6至 10 歲之學童為研究對象。在進行團體音樂活動前,先以「兒童活動量評量表 」進行前測外,同時蒐集團體活動中三位兒童注意力行為發生次數、發生頻率百分比,並分別與家長及工作坊任教導師進行團體音樂活動介入前的訪談。三個月後,研究者再以「兒童活動量評量表」進行後測,也與家長及工作坊任教導師進行團體音樂活動介入後的訪,並拍攝十二次團體音樂活動的內容,進行逐字稿分析,以瞭解其注意力行為之成效。其研究結果如下 : 1. 量的部分:(1)三位個案在教師「兒童活動量評量表」後測分數均低於前測 分。有一位個案在家長「兒童活動量評量表 」 後測分數均低於前測分;有二位個案在家長「兒童活動量評量表」之後測與前測分數相同。(2)三位個案迟團體音樂活動後其不專注行為之發生次數及發生頻率百分比皆低於團體音樂活動前測。 2. 質的部分:(1)三位個案經團體音樂活動介入後,其經團體音樂活動介入後,其選擇性注意力、分離性注意力及持續性注意力皆獲得不同程度的提昇。(2)三位個案經團體音樂活動介入後,其問題行為減少。 最後,希望透過本研究結果,可為未來研究者、家長及特殊教育工作者之參考,並透過多元刺激,使提昇自閉症兒童的學習和發展。 關鍵字:自閉症、注意力行為、團體音樂活動

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Faculty of Education




Music therapy for children -- Macau

音樂治療 (兒童) -- 澳門

Autism in children -- Macau

兒童自閉症 -- 澳門

Autistic children -- Education -- Macau

自閉症兒童 -- 教育 -- 澳門

Autistic children -- Treatment -- Macau

自閉症兒童 -- 治療 -- 澳門



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