
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The aim of this study is to investigate the career decision-making process of junior high school dropouts. Through the in-depth depiction of dropout process and models of the three cases — Yu, Tong and Ah Tsim, the study attempts to understand the reasons for dropping out; the effect of the ecological environment on the whole dropout process as well as their expectations for future careers. The study was carried out by using the qualitative approach and narrative analysis. The data of the three cases are gathered after the semi-structured interviews and are analyzed from a Holistic-Content perspective. According to Miller-Tiedeman’s theory of Career Decision-Making (1990), the process of the dropout model designed in this research is divided into two stages — ‘anticipation’ and ‘implementation’. Findings indicated that the junior high school dropouts have subjective perception of their own dropout events in terms of active and passive factors. After re-presenting the whole dropout process, ‘uncertainty’ and ‘unwillingness to withdraw’ in career decision-making are realized by the dropouts. To highlight the further research on dropout prevention, the followings are called for: (1) parents’ viewpoint on the phenomena of children ‘drop-out and work’; (2) the nonuniform criterion of drop-out and repetition in Macao private schools, and thus results in a vicious circle in education: ‘bad study performance — repetition — dropout’; (3) the actualization of the career planning counseling for students from different grades. Key words / phrases: junior high school students; dropouts; dropout decision-making process; narrative analysis.

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在瞭解青少年在初中教育階段離校的歷程。透過三位研究參與者小余、小彤和阿詹敘說其離校決定歷程,以理解初中生離校之原因及環境狀況、離校的抉擇模式;同時從其所處的社會交化脈絡中,再次觀看其離校決定;並探索敘說後,研究參與者對於未來生涯的期待。 本研究採質性研究的敘說研究方法,以「整體一內容」的分析法去閱讀文本 ; 作深入訪談以蒐集她們完整的離校決定故事,並根據Miller-Tiedeman(1990)的生涯決定歷程,去理解離校生生涯決定歷程中「選擇的預期」和「選擇的調適」兩大階段。研究者亦就相關理論發展本研究的初中生離校模式圖。 研究分析發現,離校青少年透過敘說自己的離校故事,更體認到自己在離校決定歷程中處主導還是被動的位置,這有助輔導人員客觀理解其離校的主、被動因素以及開展日後適切的復學輔導。另外,研究者發現,離校生在敘說之後對自己未來生涯發展中決定的「難為」和「難捨」都有新的體悟。 依據研究結果,研究者提出三個關注點: (1) 家庭,學校乃輟學因素中相互交錯的兩大主因。但父母對子女「提早離校,打工」的看法和態度將對離校子女日後復學的意願構成大影響。 (2) 目前私立學校訂定的留級和離校準則不一。「成績差,留級,離校」成為澳門教育上的惡性循環,亦是輟學問題的癥結。 (3) 有鑑於目前社會急速發展,勞動市場活躍。生涯輔導在澳門教育上應盡早完善和推行。除職業輔導外,更應實行為不同階段的學生作「生涯規劃」的輔導工作。 關鍵字:初中生 離校青少年 離校決定歷程 敘說研究

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Faculty of Education




Dropouts -- Macau -- Case studies

輟學 -- 澳門 -- 個案研究

High school dropouts -- Macau -- Case studies

高中學生輟學 -- 澳門 -- 個案研究

Vocational guidance -- Macau -- Case studies

選擇職業之指導 -- 澳門 -- 個案研究



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