
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The primary objectives of this study were to investigate the current situation of the academic help-seeking behavior and their related factors among secondary school students in Macao. Also, the correlations between academic help-seeking attitude, academic goal, achievement attribution and academic help-seeking behavior are also investigated. The research framework of this study is based on self-regulated learning theories, academic help-seeking theories, goal setting theories and achievement attribution theories. Pearson correlation, step-wise multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The sample of this study came from twenty secondary schools in Macao, ranging from Form 1 to Form 5 students, with 2,965 valid samples. The major findings of the study are as follows: 1. Under the academic need circumstances, students incline to seek help. 2. The students think that they have more gain than loss in academic help-seeking behavior. 3. The students incline to choose learning goal in goal orientation. 4. The students incline to attribute failure and success to effort factor. 5. There is positive correlation between benefit of academic help-seeking and academic help-seeking; there is negative correlation between cost of help-seeking and academic help-seeking. 6. There is positive correlation between learning goal and academic help-seeking, goal setting and academic help-seeking. 7. In failure attribution, there is positive correlation between secondary students’ effort attributed failure and academic help-seeking behavior; static attributed failure and academic help-seeking behavior. In success attribution, there is a positive correlation between secondary students’ ability attributed failure and academic help-seeking behavior; static attributed failure and academic help-seeking behavior. 8. There is a medium positive correlation between the benefits of help-seeking behavior and academic goal. 9. There is a low medium positive correlation among academic goal, ability attributed success, effort attributed success and static attributed success. 10. There is a medium positive correlation among benefits of help-seeking behavior, effort attributed success and static attributed success. 11. The benefit of academic help-seeking, learning goal, goal setting and effort attributed success are effective predictors in predicting the academic help-seeking behavior. Based on the findings in this study, suggestions for teaching, educational guidance, and further studies were proposed. Keywords: self-regulated learning, academic help-seeking, academic help-seeking attitude, learning goal, goal setting, achievement attribution

Chinese Abstract

本研究之主要目的在於在探研澳門中學生的學業求助行為與其相關因素的狀況,以及學業求助態度、學業目標、成就歸因與學業求助行為的關係。 本研究的研究架構,主要是依據自我調整學習理論、學業求助理論、目標設定理論和成就歸因理論等所建構出來的。並使用描述統計、積差相關分析和多元逐步迴歸分析統計方法作為結果之分析。本研究的樣本主要是抽取自澳門二十所中學的中一至中五學生 ,有效樣本共 2,965 名。 本研究的主要發現如下 : 1. 在學業需求的情況下,學生傾向採取學業求助行為。 2. 學生認為學業求助利多於弊。 3. 學生多以學習目標為其目標設定導向。 4. 學生傾向將失敗和成功歸因於努力的因素。 5. 學業求助的益處與學業求助行為呈中度偏高的正向相關;學業求助的代價與學業求助行為呈負相關。 6. 學生的學習目標與學業求助行為呈中度的正向相關。另外,學生的目標設定與學業求助行為呈中度的正向相關。 7. 在失敗歸因方面,中學生的能力失敗歸因和策略失敗與學業求助行為呈中度偏低的正向相關。在成功歸因方面,中學生的努力成功歸因和策略成功歸因與學業求助行為呈中度的正向相關。 8. 學業求助的益處和學業目標有中度的相關。 9. 學業目標設定和能力、努力、策略成功歸因有中度偏低相關。 10. 學業求助的益處和努力、策略成功歸因有中度相關。 11. 學業求助的益處、學習目標、目標設定及努力成功歸是預測學業求助行為的有效因素。 最後,本研究根據研究結果進行討論和提出建議,以供教學、學習輔導與未來研究之參考。 關鍵詞:自我調整學習、學業求助、學業求助態度、學習目標、目標設定、成就歸因

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Faculty of Education




Help-seeking behavior -- Macau

求助行為 -- 澳門



High school students -- Macau

高中學生 -- 澳門



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