
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The purpose of this study was to investigate the gender and grade differences and the correlations of expectancy-value related beliefs, motivation in physical education and intention for future physical activity participation, also, to examine the prediction of intention for future physical activity participation in Macau junior high school students. According to the convenient sampling rules, whole students of every random class of 30 classes including grade 1 to grade 3, 1201 junior high school students from ten schools were invited to participate in this study. The results indjcated that: (1) In terms of the differences of expectancy beliefs, males reported higher expectancy-related perception than females. In terms of the differences of expectancy beliefs, males had higher psychological cost of failure and cost of others' expectation than females. In terms of the differences of motivation in physical education (PE), males showed bigher intrinsic motivation, introjected regulation, and lower amotivation. (2) For expectancy-related beliefs, expectancy-related perception was negatively related to required effort. For task value belicfs, cost of failure and cost of others' expectation were positively related to task value. Expectancy-related perception cortelated with cost of others' expectation and task value positively. Required effort was positively related to psychological cost of failure and cost of others’ expectation, and negatively related to task value. With respective to motivation in PE, intrinsic motivation had low correlation with introjected regulation, moderate correlation with external regulation, and negatively moderate correlation with amotivation. Among the correlations between expectancy - task value beliefs and motivation in PE, expectancy-related perception was positively related to intrinsic motivation, negatively and lowly related to introjected regulation and amotivation, positively and moderately related to introjected regulation. Required effort was positively and lowly related to intrinsic motivation and introjected regulation. Task value had positively moderate correlation with intrinsic motivation and external regulation, and negatively correlation with amotivation. Cost of failure was lowly related to introjected regulation and amotivation. Cost of others' expectation correlated with introjected regulation and extemal regulation lowly and positively, while negatively with amotivation. (4) Intention for future physical activity participation can be significantly predicted by expectancy-related perception and task value, or by intrinsic motivation, amotivation and external regulation, or by intrinsic motivation, task value, expectancy-related perception and amotivation. The highest predicting equation was the predictors of intrinsic motivation, task value, expectancy-related perception and amotivation. (5) Compared with the similar study in Taiwan, there were different characteristics in expectancy-value related beliefs, motivation in PE, and correlations between them as well as intention for future PE. The results suggest gender differences exist in expectancy-value related beliefs, and motivation in PE. Intention for future PE can be predicted by expectancy-related perception and motivation in physical education. Kew words: Expectancy-related briefs, task value beliefs, Motivation in PE, Intention for future PE, Macau junior high school students, Comparative study

Chinese Abstract

本研究目的在於探討不同年級、性別的初中學生運動期望與價值信念及参與體育課動機的差異,以及相關情形,並對未來參與體育活動的情況進行預測。以方便抽樣的方法,選取澳門10間中學初中各一個班發放問卷,共得到1201份有效問卷。結果發現:(一)、在期望信念方面,初中男生在能力期望上顯著高於初中女生;在價值信念方面,初中男生在重要他人期望代價和工作價值上顯著高於女生;在參與體育課動機方面,初中男生在内在動機和外在調節上顯著高於女生,無動機上低於女生。(二)、運動能力與期望方面,運動的能力期望與需求努力呈現負相關;失敗代價和重要他人期望代價與工作價值正相關;能力期望與失敗代價負相關,與重要他人期望代價呈正相關,與工作價值呈中度正相關,需求努力與失敗、重要他人期望代價呈正相關,及工作價值均呈低度正相關。參與體育課動機方面,學生內在動機與外在動機之內射調節呈低度正相關,與外在動機之外在調節成中度正相關,與無動機呈中度負相關;内在動機與外在動機之內射調節很低程度的相關。運動能力與期望方面與參與體育課動機存在相關關係,體現在運動期望之能力期望與內在動機呈中度正相關,與內射調節呈很低程度負相關,與外在調節成中度正相關,與無動機呈低度負相關;運動期望之需求努力與内在動機低度正相關,與內射謂節呈很低程度正相關,與外在調節和無動機無關。運動工作價值與內在動機相關程度較高,與外在調節呈中度正相關,與無動機之相關接近中度負相關;失敗代價與內射調節和無動機均呈低度正相關,與內在動機和外在調節無關;重要他人代價與內在動機和外在調節低度正相關,與無動機低度負相關,與內射調節無關。(四)、能力期望和工作價值,內在動機、無動機、外在調節以及內在動機、工作價值、能力期望和無動機均可有效預測未來參與體育活動意圖,其中以内在動機、工作價值、能力期望和無動機預測力最高。(五)、澳門初中學生與台灣初中學生運動期望價值信念、参與體育課動機各有特點,相關關係以及未來參與體育活動意圖的預測,結果也不盡相同。結果顯示:澳門初中學生運動期望與價值信念、參與體育課動機方面有性別差異,可通過運動期望與價值信念及參與體育課的動機,預測未來參與體育活動的意圖。 關鍵詞:期望信念、價值信念、參與體育活動動機、未來參與體育活動意圖、澳門初中學生、比較研究

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Faculty of Education




Physical education and training -- Macau

體育教育及訓練 -- 澳門

Motivation in education -- Macau

教育中的推動力 -- 澳門

School sports -- Macau

學校體育 -- 澳門

Student activities -- Macau

課外活動 -- 澳門



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