
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The purpose of this study was to investigate the exercise behavior of Macau middle school students through application the Transtheoretical Model (TTM). By using stratified random sampling according to seven parishes, 1125 valid samples from seven schools of Junior 1, Junior 2, Senior 1 and Senior 2 were recruited to this study. The results showed that: (1) In the stages of exercise, 11.57% of the subjects were in precontemplation; 9.79% in contemplation, 48.58% in preparation, 11.65% in action, and 18.42% in maintenance. (2) Slightly high scores of perceived benefits for exercise and low scores of perceived barriers, self-efficacy and behavioral processes were found,(3) Differences in gender, grade, participation of physical activity group, self-health and study stress had different scores in perceived benefits, perceived barriers, perceived benefits. (4) Differences in gender, participation of physical activity group, self-health and study stress had different distributions in the stages of exercise. (5). As the stages of exercise behavior progressed, the scores of self-efficacy for exercise, perceived benefits for exercise, and behavioral processes increased. But the score of perceived barriers for exercise decreased. (6).The stages of progressed exercise behavior were positively related to the scores of perceived benefits & barriers for exercise, self-efficacy for exercise, and behavioral processes, and negatively related to the scores of perceived benefits & barriers for exercise. It suggests that TTM can be applied for Macau middle school students' exercise behavior. This model can be used in promoting exercise programs in the future. Key Words: Transtheoretical Model, Exercise Behavior, Middle School Students, Macau

Chinese Abstract

本文擬以跨理論模型爲架構,探討澳門中學生運動行為。研究採用分層整群隨機抽樣的方法,調查了7所澳門中學初一、初二、高一、高二四個年級1125名學生的運動行爲。結果發現: 1)以準備期最多,佔48.58%,維持期次之,佔18.42%,其次是行動期和無意圖期,分別佔11.65%、11.57%,意圖期最少,佔9.79%; 2)澳門中學生知覺運動利益得分較高,知覺運動障礙和運動自我效能得分偏低,使用運動改變方法情況很少; 3)性別、年級、參加體育活動班、自覺健康狀況、課業壓力影響、知覺運動利益、知覺運動障礙、運動自我效能以及使用運動改變方法的頻率;4)性別、参加體育班與否、自覺健康狀況不同、自覺課業壓力不同的澳門中學生,運動行爲階段的分佈有顯著差異,年級不同,運動階段的分佈沒有顯著差異;5)不同運動行爲階段之中學生在運動自我效能、知覺運動利益、運動行爲的改變方法的得分,會依照無意圖期、意圖期、準備期、行動期及維持期依次升高;而知覺運動障礙則呈相反的狀況;6)澳門學生所處的運動階段與知覺運動利益、知覺運助障礙、運動自我效能以及使用運動改變方法顯著相關。運動階段(無意圖期至維持期方向)與知覺運動障礙得分負相關,與知覺運動利益、運動自我效能、運動改變方法得分均正相關。結果表提示:跨理論模型可以應用在澳門中學生運動行爲上,未來可利用跨理論模型對澳門中學生的運動行爲進行幹預。 關鍵詞:跨理論模型,運動行爲,中學生,澳門

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Faculty of Education




Physical education and training -- Macau

體育教育及訓練 -- 澳門

Exercise -- Psychological aspects

體育鍛鍊 -- 心理方面

Sports -- Psychological aspects

體育 -- 心理方面



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