
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


Keeping native culture alive while living between cultures : Burmese-Chinese migrants in Macau

English Abstract

The launch of Macau's World Heritage Application Project by the Macau government on 23 July 2001 has since seen Macau garnered a growing reputation as a cultural city located in the Delta region: aside from being simply a gaming city, Macau now has a host of cultural activities for tourist consumption, ranging from those on offer in modern hi-tech theaters to those found in historic sites. The activities feature a mixture of Portuguese, Macanese and Chinese cultural influences. They also occasionally draw upon minority cultures from the territory's minority culture groups - those associated with, for example, Burmese-Chinese migrants who have actively worked to reproduce and sustain their native cultures in Macau society, including the transmission to their Macau-born-and-raised children. As this study shows, the process is a complex one; though fraught with difficulties, the introduction of the minority culture as such to the local society was widely appreciated and welcomed by the local inhabitants and the government who likewise has regarded this as a form of cultural enrichment for Macau society.

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Wong, Heong Fei

Faculty of Social Sciences (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Communication



Chinese -- Burma -- Societies, etc.

Burmese -- Societies, etc.

Burmese -- Macau -- Societies, etc.

Burma -- Civilization

Intercultural communication -- Macau


Tan, See Kam

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