UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
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- English Abstract
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The research aims to develop an arts curriculum based on the Multiple Intelligences theory(MI theory). It analyzes how MI can be applied to the sixth grade arts lesson in primary education, to discover its effect on students'performance in learning and intelligent development. also influence their learning and the intelligent performance situation. The subjects of this research include 64 sixth grade students of the Esocla Primaria Luso-Chinesa Tamagnini Barbosa. They were divided by groups to learn proposed arts curriculum. The methodology of the research includes action research, self-assessment report, learning portfolio of the student, self-comment questionnaire, the observation record, the teacher diary, interviews and the video recording and photographing. The above means would reflect the performance of the students in the arts lessons and their evaluation of the curriculum. The tools of this research include self-evaluation, intelligence spectrum, teaching strategy of the curriculum, the profile of the learning process, interview, the self-comment and the follow up questionnaire. The subjects were required to fill into the self-assessment questionnaire subjects before implementing the curriculum to analyze each student's intelligent distribution and their individual superior intelligence. The subjects were then grouped according to the analyzed results. They were then taught through whole class teaching and cooperative learning strategies. The elements of the proposed arts curriculum and artistic teaching pedagogy include discussion, sharing, cooperative learning and role play. Based on the analysis of the qualitative and quantitative data, the results show that: 1. After the artistic teaching pedagogy with MI, the students’artistic concepts have been reinforced. It showed that the arts curriculum based on MI could improve students’ various leaming domains and the understanding of the artistic concepts. 2. The degree of understanding of the artistic concepts of the students obtained in the “the course content"and "extracurricular learning activity" through the MI artistic teaching pedagogy were significantly effective. It revealed that the arts curriculum designed to the students could facilitate students learning. 3. The analysis of the “MI's distribution of the self-assessment questionnaire"and "MI performance of the learning portfolio of the student" showed that in the beginning of the artistic learning, the distribution of the MI (superior & inferior) was consistent with the MI performance of the learning portfolio. 4. The analysis of the "MI performance of the learning portfolio of the student" and “MI performance of self-comment questionnaire”showed that after the artistic learning class, the interpersonal and introspective intelligent of the students were obviously improved. In the learning portfolio process, their superior& inferior intelligent were positive related to that of the self-assessment report. 5. The analysis of the “MI's distribution of the self-assessment questionnaire”and “Self-assessment to the MI intelligence of the follow up questionnaire" showed that after receiving the new curriculum, the MI intelligent of the subjects had been significant improved. 6. After the study of integrating MI into arts teaching, the researcher would like to advocate that : (i) while designing the curriculum, the content should be adjusted according to the lcarning abilities of each student, (ii)apply proper materials and teaching methods to reinforce students’interest and self-confidence, (iii) teachers should design some intelligence-fair assessment in the curriculums so that students can handle it in their own intelligence, (iv) teachers should provide proper instructions to develop and promote students' multiple intelligence. In the aspect of pedagogy, using MI teaching assessment can motivate students to lear. Moreover, special attention should be pad to the smoothness and elasticity of the teaching procedure. It is also important to deal properly with and manage students' emotional problems.
- Chinese Abstract
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本研究旨在研發一套將多元智能(Multiple Intelligences)理論融入藝術教學之課程,從而經由實施教學了解多元智能融入之藝術課程,對小學六年級學生學習的影響及其多元智能表現情形。研究對象爲澳門巴波沙中葡小學六年級學生共64人,進行分組合作學習的藝術教學。研究設計探行動研究法之方式進行,同時輔以自我評量表、學生學習檔案、自評回饋問卷、觀察紀錄、教師日誌、訪談及錄影攝影方式,以了解學生在多元智能融入的藝術教學課程中的表現及對課程的觀感。 研究工具和方法包括『自我評量智能光譜』、『學習過程檔案』、『訪談』、『學習活動回饋問卷』及『跟進問題』等。教學前先實施「自我評量問卷」綜合統計,以了解學生的智能分佈狀況及個人優勢智能所在,再依據學生的智能分佈狀況設計藝術課程,並藉個人優勢智能及同學間之人際關係作分組後,進行實施全體教學及分組合作學習的藝術教學。 本研究中的藝術教學課程包括有討論分享、合作學習及角色扮演等方式教學。從研究工具分析量的資料、質的資料、訪談及錄影資料,以内容分析配合敘述性統計呈現,主要研究結果顯示: 一、學生經過此次多元智能融入的藝術教學後,其相關的藝術概念有顯著進步。顯示本研究所研發的多元智能理論融入的藝術教學課程,可以增進學生各領域之學習及藝術概念的理解。 二、學生經此次多元智能融入式的藝術教學後,在「教學內容」和「校外實地 學習活動」課程內容所對應的藝術及相關知識概念分項中,概念的進步情形均達到統計上的顯著水準。整體而言,此次藝術教學課程設計對學生在大部份的概念學習提供相當程度的幫助。 三、 從「自我評量問卷之多元智能分佈情形」與「學習檔案之學生多元智能表 現情形」相關分析發現:此次藝術教學之初,學生原來具有的多元智能優弱分佈與學習檔案中多元智能表現相一致。 四、從「學習檔案之學生多元智能表現情形」與「學習回饋問卷之多元智能表 現」相關分析發現: 學生在藝術教學課後,共性上各學生之人際及內省智能有明顯的提昇,而在個性上各有不同智能之提升。學習檔案過程呈現的優弱勢智能表現與其自評的優弱勢智能表現呈正相關。 五、 從「自我評量問卷之多元智能分佈情形」與「跟進問卷之多元智能表現自 評情形」相關分析發現:在教學後,學生跟進評量之智能表現較原來具有的智能向度強弱分佈程度明顯提高。 六、經過此次多元智能融入的藝術教學後,研究者提出對同類課程實施的建議 烏:在課程設計方面,學習內容應視學生學習狀況做適當安排,注意學生個別差異,給予學生合宜之教材與教導,以開啓其學習興趣與信心,此外,課程應儘量設計智能公平之評量,讓學生之每種智能可在其運作,如此,才能提供學生適性之教導,學生之多元智能才能得以順利開展與提升。在教學方式方面,探用多元教學及評量,鼓勵帶動學生學習興趣,注意教學流程順暢與彈性,妥適處理學生情緒及問題解決。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
- Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Multiple intelligences -- Macau
多元智能 -- 澳門
Arts -- Study and teaching -- Macau
藝術 -- 學習及教學 -- 澳門
Curriculum planning -- Macau
課程規劃 -- 澳門
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000519129706306