UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
- English Abstract
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Abstract The objective of the study is to investigate the relations of achievement motivation, learning attitude and academic achievement among junior high school students in Macao. By analyzing the relations of achievement motivation and academic achievement, the relations of learning attitudes and academic achievement and the relations of learning attitudes and achievement motivation, to investigate how the class effect and gender effect related to the student achievement motivation and learning attitude, as well as the effect of both achievement motivation and learning attitude on the academic achievement. The subjects were grade 8 students in Macao: 51 boys and 46 girls. The research is done by two sets of questionnaires. One is for achievement motivation and the other is for learning attitude. The results revealed that: (1) The achievement motivation is significantly different by junior high school students having different academic achievement backgrounds. (2) The differences in academic achievement among students was reflected in the deviation of learning attitude.(3) The achievement motivation is highly related to learning aspiration.. (4) The factor of class has no significant influences on both achievement motivation and learning attitude. (5) The factor of gender has no significant influences on both achievement motivation and learning attitude. (6) The achievement motivation can well predict the academic achievement. (7) The learning attitude can well predict the academic achievement.
- Chinese Abstract
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摘要 本研究對象爲澳門中學初中二級學生,包括:男生51人,女生46人。本研究主要目的是藉探討初中學生成就動機、學習態度與學業成就之相關性,透過分析成就動機與初中學生學業成就之相關、分析初中學生學習態度與學業成就之相關、分析初中學生之學習態度與成就動機之相關、探討班別因素對初中學生之成就動機與學習態度之影響、探討性別因素對初中學生之成就動機與學習態度之影響及成就動機及學習態度的各個項目預測。本研究的主要工具爲(一)成就動機問卷、(二)學習態度問卷。本研究發現:主要發現,(1)不同學業成就之初中學生,在成就動機有著顯著差異.(2)不同學業成就之初中學生,在學習欲望向度上有著顯著差異,其次是學習過程。(3)成就動機與學習欲望有著顯著差異相關。(4)不同班別的學生其 成就動機、學習態度都不存在顯著的差異.。(5)不同性別的學生其成就動機、學習態度都不存在顯著的差異.。(6)成就動機能有效預測學業成就。(7)學習態度能有效預測學業成就。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Learning, Psychology of
Junior high school students -- Macau
初級中學學生 -- 澳門
Educational psychology -- Macau
教育心理學 -- 澳門
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000518729706306