UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
澳門融合教育的現況及發展 : 一群持份者的看法
- English Abstract
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According to the Law of Special Education, published by the Macau SAR Government in 1996, under No.33/96/M: “The rapid change of the technology and the society economics lead to many people feel difficulties, physically and mentally, to accommodate the education. Therefore, these people need to be specially educated.” As a result, the Government should provide special services to these people, through implementing policies for education, family and work. Most countries over the world declare that the special education must be in the “Zero education ideal refused” development. They also encourage the student of special needs not to give up studying because of their disorders. Though Macau started special education a bit later than the other countries, the investments that the Macau Government made on Special Education are not less than the others, especially after returing to China. The Macau Government is examining the problems of special education during different stages. The needs and expectations to the civil servants, society associations and parents are clearer. This survey is made by semi-structural interviews which included stakeholders the like teachers and administrators in the public schools. Result the regent of this study likely to contribute some of their ideas stakeholders to help setting up the plans of special education.
- Chinese Abstract
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一九九六年,澳門政府在特殊教育法第三三/九六/M號:「技術及社會經濟之發展及變化,導致許多人因體格及社會心理上之特徵而在適應及融合教育方面存有困難,故該等人須接受特殊方式之教育。」因此,澳門行政當局應在平等機會原則下,透過適時探納促成學業進步以及完成融入家庭、學校環境及投身職業之措施,向需要接受特殊教育輔助之人提供適當之條件。世界各地亦表示未來特殊教育將朝向「雾拒絕的教育理想」發展,並主張對身心障礙學生,不能因其障礙類別、程度,而拒絕其就學的權利,以落實教育機會均等理念。 澳門雖然開發較晚,就教育資源投放而言,在回歸後,亦有志向國際育水不看齊,並不低於其他國家,惟在探討不同教育階段特殊教育之相關問題(如:融合教育政策措施及應對),對澳門教務人員、社會團體及家長需要與期望有更清晰了解。 本研究採用半結構訪談的方式,對澳門各官立學校的教育工作者(教師和行政領導)和一群持份者作深入的面談。結果顯示,本澳對融合教育持正向之態度。 因此,教育決策單位應繼續規劃更完整的配套措施,以利融合教育的推行。研究 者希望透過本文研究,為相關措施的規劃,提出微薄的建議,作爲本澳實施融合 教育之參考。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Inclusive education -- Macau
全納教育 (指特殊兒童不作區分地混合上課) -- 澳門
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000509039706306