UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
- English Abstract
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The present study is to identify the career decision-making status and career beliefs of college students in Macau, the interrelation between them being explored as well. With the Career Decision Beliefs Scale and the Career Decision Scale as research measurements, a total of 442 college students from 5 colleges in Macau took part in the study, data from which were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA , and Pearson Correlation. The main findings are as follows: 1. The career decision-making status and career comfort of college student as a whole are at medium level, are whether or not decided or satisfied are still ambiguous for most of them. Gender showed a statistically effect on the career decidedness, with male achieving a higher level than female. However, whether or not they have part time work experience made no difference to the decidedness and career comfort. The career satisfactory level is related to age. 2. The results of career belief scale participated by Macau college students were on an average level. Gender, age and working experience were significantly related to career beliefs. 3. The relationship between career decidedness and career belief is different from that between career comfort and career beliefs. Career beliefs varied from different career decision-making status. Based on the findings, implications of this study for counseling of college students and suggestion for the future research were proposed as well. Key word: career beliefs career decision-making status career decidedness career comfort
- Chinese Abstract
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本研究目的在於探討澳門大學生的生涯決定狀況、生涯信念及兩者的相互關係。研究者以“生涯決定量表”和“生涯信念檢核表” 為研究工具。對澳門5所高等院校的 442 名學生進行了問卷調查。採用t 檢驗、方差分析、pearsons 相關等統計方法處理數據後,發現 : 1、澳門大學生多數處於定向與未定向,滿意與不滿意的中問地帶。年齡影響大學生的生涯滿意度,男大學生的生涯定向程度高於女生,有無兼職經歷對大學階段的生涯定向和生涯滿意度均沒有影響。 2、澳門大學生在生涯信念量表的得分適中。年齡、性別、兼職經歷對個別生涯信念有影響。 3、生涯定向性和生涯信念之相關不同於生涯滿意度和生涯信念之相關。不同生涯決定類型的生涯信念亦不相同。 關鍵字:生涯信念 生涯決定狀態 生涯定向 生涯滿意
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Vocational guidance -- Macau
選擇職業之指導 -- 澳門
Career development -- Macau
事業發展 -- 澳門
College students -- Macau
大專學生 -- 澳門
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000508769706306