UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
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- English Abstract
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This survey study aims to examine the subjective well-being (SWB) of Macao youth and investigate into its related family factors. In this study, family factors include adolescents' family background (parents' education level and profession), family structure (parents' marital status and adolescent's order of birth in the family), and family support. A sample of 785 students from F1 to F6 classes are chosen from three secondary schools in Macao-they are located respectively in the north, central and south districts of Macao Subjects are asked to complete the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire(OHQ) and the Family Support Questionnaire. Data collocted are then analysed by t-test, One-way ANOVA and Pearson's Product-moment Correlation analysis. The results of the study are as follows: 1. It is found that the subjective well-being of Macao adolescents is around mid range. There is no gender difference shown in the variance of SWB scores. However, age is found to be a personal factor of adolescent SWB, as there is a tendency of dropping in score when asolescents get older. 2. It is found that parents' education level and profession are predictors of adolescent SWB and effects are particularly significant on the part of the father. Parents' marital status and adolescents' order of birth fails the rests and are not considered as among the family factors influencing adolescent SWB. 3. Family support is found to be correlated with adolescent SWB, and while sibling support has relatively low correlation, parental support is found to have moderate correlation. The influence of emotional support is particularly significant among the three types of family support, viz., emotional, informational and instrumental. Concluding the discussions, educational implications are drawn from the results and suggestions to parents and teachers are offered. Keywords: subjective well-being, family factor, fammily support, Macao youth
- Chinese Abstract
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本研究以問卷調查方式考察澳門青少年的幸福感現況,並就其相關的家庭因素作出探討。本研究所指的家庭因素包括家庭背景(父母親的職業和教育程度)、家庭結構(青少年家中排行和父母婚姻狀況)以及家庭支持(父母支持和手足支持)。研究者在澳門北、中、南三區各抽取一所學校的中一至中六每級一班的學生(共785人)為研究對象,並採用「牛津幸福感量表」(OHQ)及「家庭支持量表」進行施測。然後,研究者就所得數據以t考驗、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關等統計方法進行考驗,得出主要研究結果如下: 1. 澳門青少年的幸福感屬中度水平。不同性別的青少年的幸福感沒有出現顯著差異。不過,就年齡而言,青少年的幸福感有隨著年齡的增長而遞減的趨勢。此外,研究發現超齡就學的青少年之幸福感較適齡就學的青少年為低。 2. 就家庭背景及家庭結構而言。父母親的教育程度和職業均是影響青少年的幸福感的家庭因素,其中尤以父親的教育程度所從事的職業最為明顯;而父母親的婚姻狀況及青少年在家中的排行則並不構成影響青少年的幸福感的家庭因素。 3. 就家庭支持而言,父母和手足所提供的家庭支持與青少年的幸福感分別存在中度和低度的正相關,其中尤以情感性支持——相較訊息性支持和工具性支持——至為重要:青少年所感受的家庭情感支持越高,其幸福感也越高。 最後,研究者就研究結果作出總結,並據之提供教育建議以供家長和教師參考。 關鍵詞:幸福感、家庭因素、家庭支持、澳門青少年
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Youth -- Macau
青少年 -- 澳門
Youth -- Macau -- Family relationships
青少年 -- 澳門 -- 家庭關係
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000508379706306