
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


論行政程序法典中的緊急程序條款 : 對我國行政程序立法的建議

English Abstract

In recent years, there were many cases of emergency in China, and a series of actions taken by the government were only half-by-half desert. Emergency situation is the new issue, but how to insist the rule of law in the emergency is newer. Well, this paper tries to solve the problem in the point of procedure. It's important to prescribe the base line of the procedure of emergency action to incarnate the doctrine of rule of law. Not only aims at the embarrassment of lack of procedure in the Administrative Law in China, but also forbid the abuse of administrative emergency power, to protect the legal right of the citizens. The first part is regarding the reasons of why constitutes the emergency procedure in the Administrative Procedure Law. The emergency procedure is the request of spirt of democracy, and the rule by law as well. For example of the United Sates, Germany and the develop current of the international, we can find that the history of restriction of procedure in the emergency power comes through a long time. In addition there must be one part about the emergency action procedure, to perfect the Emergency Law system in China. The second part analyzes lacuna of that system in China, finds that there is the lack of the emergency procedure, including the Constitution and the separate edition, we can draw a conclusion that constitute the emergency procedure in the Administrative Procedure Law is practical. The third part bases on the three groups of conflict legal value, to solve the tropism of the Procedure. The forth part discusses the basic theory in China, including that the object which can be applied in this procedure; four steps should be taken by the government crisis management; the principles of administrative procedure in emergency, i.e. the principle of administrative emergency, the principie of proportion and the protection of the interests of citizen. However the most important part in this subject is the disclosure of government information, which balance has been changed between the right of public knowledge and the right of privacy. And also talk about the legal responsibility while the administrative officer disobeys the emergency procedure. The fifth part analyses the relationship between the administrative emergency procedure and the Emergency State Act, the Administrative Action Code, as well as administrative remedy system. The sixth part is about the material content of the advice.

Chinese Abstract

我国近几年来发生了多例影响较大的紧急情况,而政府采取的一系列行政紧急措施也可谓功过参半。我国宪法中赋予了国务院行政紧急权,但对权力具体行使的实体和程序上的规范都没有现有法律上的依据。紧急情况是新问题,紧急情况下如何规范行政机关的行政紧急权力更是新中之新。笔者试图从程序的角度来研究和解决这个问题。在我国行政程序法典中对行政紧急程序加以兜底性的规定。这不仅针对了我国长期以来“重实体、轻程序”的立法实践所导致的行政法领域一直缺少程序规范的尴尬局面,更是防止紧急情况下的行政机关对行政紧急权力的滥用,从而保障行政相对人乃至所有公民的合法权益。 本文第一章探讨了为什么要在行政程序法中设立紧急程序条款。行政紧急程序的设立是在紧急情况下行政机关行使紧急权力的法治要求,同时也是程序正义的体现,借鉴西方典型国家和国际整体发展趋势,发现对紧急权力的程序控制由来已久;而要在行政程序法中对行政紧急程序加以规范,则是基于公共应急法制体系的架构和行政程序法典自身完善的考虑。第二章分析了我国现有应急法律的缺陷,发现无论是宪法或者是各类单行应急法中对行政紧急权力的授权多数是概括性授权,且缺少程序性规范,从而论证了在我国行政程序法中设立紧急程序条款有着现实的和可行的意义。第三章以自由与秩序、个人权利与社会权利、权力分立与权力集中这三组法律价值的对立统一为基点,分析行政紧急程序的立法价值取向。第四章讨论了行政紧急程序中的几个重要环节,也是文章的重点部分。包括行政紧急程序适用条件——何种紧急情况,以及各级行政机关所采取的不同行政紧急措施,为行政紧急权力的适用设定程序上的门槛;行政紧急程序按照应急处理的时间顺序,对应着预警、确认、处置和恢复四个环节;在整个过程中行政紧急措施都应当体现行政紧急程序的基本原则;行政应急性原则、比例原则和保障公民基本权利原则;而其核心当属信息公开制度,它在紧急情况下被赋予了新的内涵:被公开信息范围的重新界定、政府信息公开与造成社会恐慌之间的重新衡量、公民知情权与隐私权界限的重新衡量;以及违反行政紧急程序所产生的法律后果。第五章讨论行政程序法中的紧急程序条款与《紧急状态法》、《行政诉讼法》以及行政征用补偿制度的关系。第六章小结部分提出具体的立法建议。

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Faculty of Law




Administrative procedure -- China

行政訴訟法 -- 中國



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