
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

In the globalization of the economy and trade nowadays, China has to face the problem of intellectual property protection. At present, copyright infringement compensation cases are the most common intellectual property cases which people's courts deal with, and are one of the most basic types. In such cases, a growing number of victims request mental compensation aiming at their personal rights infringement. But in our station, the legislation on mental infringement has relatively dropped behind. And, as a result of the absence of a clear legal basis, in practice there is often confusion and contradiction. Therefore, the study of the judicial practice in copyright mental compensation cases, especially the study of doctrine of liability fixation about these cases is of major significance to the protection of copyright holders and related right holders from abusing, and to the establishment and perfection of the copyright infringement theory. The copy right contains personal rights and property rights, which belongs to the author of the literature, Artistic works, scientific works. The copy right has the characters of intangible, easy to reproduce, both personal right and property right on it and time-bounding. The characters of the copyright directly affects the copyright tort, it makes the copy right tort have the characters of easy to be infringed, the multiple target, specific infringee, the diversity of tort pattern. If we want to deal with the copyright mental compensation case, the first and the most important thing is to manage the doctrine of copyright infringement mental compensation liability fixation. I think the Particularity of the copyright tort directly affects the doctrine of copyright infringement mental liability fixation, so we should district the doctrine of copyright infringement mental compensation liability fixation and the doctrine of general infringement mental compensation liability fixation. It is particularly important to understand and play the function of doctrine of liability fixation about copyright infringement. However, the opinions of mental compensation about copyright damages are divided both in the theoretical studying of the Copyright Law or in the practice, it is concerned the enforcement on the Civil law and Copyright Law. To handle the copyright cases correctly has become an important problem in practice. The article is on the basis of analyzing the theory and practice of mental compensation about copyright infringement, so as to identify liability fixation of mental compensation about copyright, analysis the concepts of the copyright infringement, mental compensation and liability fixation, explore the characteristics of liability fixation, review the inadequate that is in our existing legislation, and make the corresponding responses and solutions. I hope to promote the protection of the owners of copyright and related right and ultimately to improve the system of mental compensation in copyright infringement. Key words: copyright; infringement; mental compensation; liability fixation

Chinese Abstract

在经济贸易全球化的今天,知识产权保护成为我国当前必须面对的问题。当前,著作权侵权损害赔偿案件是人民法院受理的知识产权案件中最常见的一类案件,是著作权纠纷案件最基本的类型之一。在这类案件中,越来越多的受害人针对著作人身权被侵害的事实提出了精神损害赔偿的请求。但我国有关著作权侵权精神损害赔偿方面的立法却相对滞后。并且,由于没有明确的法律依据,在实践中往往出现混乱和矛盾。因此,研究著作权侵权精神损害赔偿案件的司法实务,特别是研究掌握这类案件的归责原则,对依法保护著作权人的著作权及相邻权人的相邻权不受侵害,对建立和完善著作权侵权法理论,都具有重要的意义。 著作权是文学、艺术和科学作品(即著作)的作者等依法所享有的人身权利和财产权利。具有无形性、易于复制性、人身权和财产权的二重性和时间性的特点。著作权的这些特点直接影响了著作权侵权行为,使著作权侵权行为具有权利易遭侵犯性、原告举证的困难性、侵权对象的多重性、被侵害主体的特定性和侵权形式的多样性的特点。正确处理著作权损害赔偿案件,首先和最为关键的问题之一就是要掌握著作权侵权损害赔偿的归责原则。笔者认为,著作权侵权行为的特殊性直接影响了著作权侵权精神损害赔偿案件的归责原则,因此要对著作权侵权精神损害赔偿案件适用的归责原则与普通民事侵权案件所适用的归责原则加以区分。在著作权侵权法律规定及理论不尽完备的情况下,准确地掌握和发挥著作权侵权归责原则的功能,尤为重要。但是,在我国相关法律还没有对著作权侵权的精神损害赔偿问题做出明确规定前,我们在著作权审判实践中及著作权法律理论研究过程中,存在着不同的声音,这已关系到我国民法、著作权法的严肃执行,著作权案件的正确处理,已成为司法实践中一个亟待研究解决的重要问题。在本文中,笔者在对著作权侵权精神损害赔偿的理论和实践进行分析的基础上,主要围绕确定著作权精神损害赔偿的归责问题进行探讨,分析了建立著作权侵权精神损害赔偿制度的必要性和可行性,探讨了著作权侵权行为的特点和精神损害赔偿制度的功能和原则,在此基础之上研究了著作权侵权精神损害赔偿应当适用的归责原则,然后检讨了我国现行立法的不足,并提出了相应的对策和解决办法,以期能促进对著作权人和相邻权人精神权利的保护,并最终完善我国著作权侵权精神损害赔偿制度。 关键词:著作权;侵权;精神损害赔偿;归责

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Faculty of Law




Copyright infringement -- China

著作權侵佔 -- 中國

Compensation (Law) -- China

補償 (法律) -- 中國

Liability for emotional distress -- China

精神痛苦之責任 (法律) -- 中國



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