UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
- English Abstract
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The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between Self-Regulation and Academic Achievement of College students in Macao. In the first section, the researcher explicated self-regulation theories, self-regulation models and related documents. In the second section, the researcher compared the discrepancy between different grades and the relationship between self-regulation and academic achievement based on using the reliability, one-way AVONA, F-Test and the Post Hoc Tests to analyze the data of the college students in Macao. In the final section, according to the self-regulation theories and the reality results in Macao, the researcher made discussions, conclusions and suggestions. Using the Self Learning Scale as research tool, the sample of this research consists total 476 students who are studying in year four, year one and pre-U in the one of the University in Macao. This research is to investigate the factors of Self-Regulation such as Motivation, Efficacy, Goal Setting and Planning, Self-Monitoring, Inquiry and Information Processing,Management of Learning Environment, Help Seeking, Metacognition, Self-Regulation Strategic, whether there are any divergences between different grades and the relationship between self-regulation and academic achievement based on Albert Bandura's Social Cognitive Learning Theory, Barry Zimmerman's Self-Regulation Model and using the Self Learning Scale produce by Mok M. M. C., etc.. Obtain the following main result after analyzing: 1)Discrepancy of Self-Regulation factors between different grades. 2) Relationship between self-regulation and academic achievement of college students. The major findings in this study are as the followings: 1) There is a significant difference in Motivation. I.e. Year 1 students are better than Pre-U students. There is a significant difference in Goals and Planning, Self Monitoring and Metacognition. I.e. Year 1 students are better than Year 4 students. 2) As a result, when college students have higher Self Efficacy, Self Monitoring, Goals and Planning in Self Regulation, they are likely to have better academic achievement. Keywords: Self-Regulation Efficacy Goal Motivation Metacognition Achievement
- Chinese Abstract
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本研究主要探討澳門地區的大學生自我調整學習與學業成就的關係。在研究的首部分,研究者扼要闡述自我調整學習的理論,自我調整學習的概念和相關文献:在次部分,研究者根據所搜集的澳門地區大學生的具體資料作出深入分析,以信度分析、單因子變異數分析、F-Test、Post Hoc Tests等比較和檢驗自我調整學習的因素和學業成就的相關性結果和不同年級的大學生是否有顯著差異存在;最後,研究者結合自我調整學習理論和澳門大學生的實際情況展開討論、得出結論並提出建議。 本研究探用自我學習量表(Self-Learning Scales)問卷調查訪問來自澳門其中一所綜合性大學的四個學院五個課程的本科四年級、本科一年級和大學先修班共 476 名學生。 本研究以Albert Bandura的社會認知學習理論、Barry J.Zimmerman的自我調整學習概念爲基礎,運用莫慕貞等人研製的自我學習量表(Self-Learning Scale, SLS),試圖探討自我調整學習的組成因素,包括學業動機、自我效能、學習目標及計劃、自我監控、查詢及訊息處理、學習環境控制、學業求助、後設認知和自我調整學習策略,對於不同年級的大學生是否存在差異?和自我調整學習的組成因素與學業成就的相互關係? 本研究主要顯示: 一·不同年級大學生自我調整學習的差異; 二·大學生的自我調整學習與學業成就的關係。 本研究結果發現: 一·本科一年級學生的學習動機大於大學先修班的學生;本科一年級學生的學習目標及計劃、自我監控和後設認知均大於本科四年級的學生。 二·大學生自我調整學習中的自我效能、後設認知、自我監控、學習目標及計劃相對較高者,其學業成就亦相對較高。 關鍵詞:自我調整 自我效能 目標 動機 後設認知 成就
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Self-control -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Macau
自我控制 -- 學習及教學 (高等) -- 澳門
Study skills
Students -- Self-rating of -- Macau
學生 -- 自我評級 -- 澳門
College students -- Macau
大專學生 -- 澳門
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000407559706306