
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

This study was to investigate the self-esteem and interpersonal relationship among hearing-impaired students who are studying at different educational settings in Macau. And, to probe into the hearing-impaired students’ background (through the classification of their gender, hearing loss, modes of communication, and having/no having another hearing-impaired member in their family etc) in order to seek out the difference and the influence on their self-esteem and interpersonal relationship. There are 28 hearing-impaired students included in this study: 11 students who are studying at ordinary school and 17 students who are studying at special school. In this study, the researcher used the revised The Five Scale Test of Self-esteem for Children developed by Pope & McHale (1988) to measuring the self-esteem of the hearing-impaired students. And the researcher also developed “The Scale Test of Relationship with peers” and “The Scale Test of Relationship with teachers”to measuring the interpersonal relationship of the hearing-impaired students. The results of this study are as follow: 1. There are practical significant difference existed on the self-esteem, and also on the relationship with peers and the relationship with the teachers, among the hearing-impaired students who are studying at different educational settings. The hearing-impaired students who are studying at ordinary school are better than who are studying at special school. 2. According to their background information, a) gender: there were no practical significant difference on the self-esteem, and also on the relationship with peers and the relationships with teachers; b) degrees of hearing loss: the hearing-impaired students with moderate to severe hearing losses are better on the self-esteem, the hearing- impaired students with profound hearing losses are better on the relationship with peers, and the hearing-impaired students with moderate to severe hearing losses and profound hearing losses are better on the relationship with teachers; c) different modes of communication: there are no practical significant difference existed on the self-esteem, but has practical significant difference on the relationship with peers and the relationship with the teachers, the hearing- impaired students in oral approach are better than who are uses of sign language; d) whether having another hearing-impaired member in their family: no practical significant difference existed on the self-esteem, and also on the relationship with peers and the relationship with the teachers. 3. The self-esteem has practical significant relation to relationship with teachers, and to relationship with peers. The relationship with teachers also has practical significant relation to relationship with peers.

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在探討不同的教育安置與聽覺障礙中學生自尊感之關係,及其在學校的人際關係,並討論自尊感及在學校的人際關係在聽障中學生不同個人背景變項(性別、聽力損失程度、不同溝通方式、家中有/沒有其他聽障成員)上的差異情況。研究對象爲28位就讀於本澳普通學校(11位)及特殊學校(17位)的聽障中學生。本研究所探用之研究工具爲編譯自Pope 與McHale的「自尊感量表」及研究者自編的「與老師關係量表」及「與同儕關係量表」。 本研究的結果顯示,不同教育安置的聽障中學生的自尊感有明顯的實質差異,就讀於普通學校者優於就讀於特殊學校者;且他們知覺到的同儕關係及與老師的關係亦有很明顯的實質差異,就讀於普通學校者明顯高於就讀於特殊學校者。此外,不同性別的聽障中學生的自尊感沒有明顯的實質差異,他們知覺到的同儕關係及與老師的關係亦沒有明顯的實質差異。不同聽力損失程度的聽障中學生的自尊感以中度至嚴重程度組的總平均分爲最高;在「與老師關係量表」中的得分則以中度者及極度嚴重程度組最高;在「與同儕關係量表」中的得分則以極度嚴重程度組的得分較高。不同溝通方式的聽障中學生的自尊感沒有明顯的實質差異,而他們知覺到的同儕關係則有明顯的實質差異,以口語為主要溝通方式者較佳,他們知覺到與老師的關係亦有很明顯的實質差異,且亦是以口語爲主要溝通方式者較強。家中有/沒有其他聽障成員的聽障中學生的自尊感,及他們知覺到的同儕關係及與老師的關係皆沒有明顯的實質差異。 本研究的結果亦顯示,聽障中學生的自尊感跟他們與老師的關係有很明顯的正相關,他們的自尊感跟他們與同倩的關係亦有明顯的正相關;而他們與老師的關係跟與同儕的關係亦呈很明顯的正相關。

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Faculty of Education




Self-esteem in adolescence -- Macau

少年的自尊 -- 澳門

Hearing impaired students -- Macau

聽覺殘障之學生 -- 澳門

Interpersonal relations in adolescence -- Macau

少年的人際關係 -- 澳門



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